Page 24 of 5 Rounds

It looks like she says something to him because he grins, the smile stretching across his face in what seems like victory. He lets her turn in his arms to face him.

She points a finger threateningly at him. When he doesn't respond, she puts her hands on his chest and tries to shove him away again.

The whole thing seems to happen in an instant. It takes me a second to register what's happening, and a few more seconds to stride across the bar.

I shove the guy away from Remy, fury boiling in my veins.

"She said,back off," I bark. I hold my ground between Remy and the asshole.

"Yo, man, we were just talking," he snaps at me. "Get lost, this doesn’t concern you."

I step closer—almost close enough for our noses to touch—and let loose a low growl. "Unless you want me to make your nose splinter into your skull, I suggest you turn around and get the fuck out of this bar," I snarl. "Now."

If my tone wasn't enough to convey my message, I straighten up to impose my height over the five-foot-something prick. That coupled with the fact that he looks like Remy can lift more than he does, and the decision should be an easy one.

The asshole glances away nervously and takes a step back. "Fine," he eventually mutters. "Fuck you both." Then he turns around and shrinks out of the bar.

As soon as he's out of sight, I turn back to Remy.

She shoves me, a scowl on her face. "I didn't need you to save me," she snaps. "I could've gotten rid of him on my own!"

I ignore her comment. I still feel the anger lingering in my chest, so I send some of it her way. "You shouldn't be dancing by yourself," I bark at her.

At some point in the past few minutes Lucy must've left Remy to get them another drink at the bar, which is why she seemed vulnerable enough for the guy to come onto her. "At least keep Lucy with you, otherwise guys are never going to stop coming onto you like that." My eyes drop to her exposed midriff and heaving chest. "Especially if you're wearing that."

Her jaw drops in shock. But she composes herself quickly, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares at me. "So, it'smyfault that guy is a piece of shit that can't keep his hands to himself?!" she yells in disbelief.

I wince and look away. "No, of course not," I grumble.

Obviously, everything that just happened is one hundred percent that douchebag's fault. But I'm flustered from not being able to control my anger—flustered from the appearance of it at all. Even though I can hear myself being a dick, I can't stop myself from snapping, "We should just go home. I have an early day tomorrow and Jax would kill me if he knew I left you here after what just happened."

Remy is back to looking shocked again. "I'm not leaving," she says, disbelief and anger still warring in her eyes. "I don't need you to look out for me. If you want to go, then go. But you can't just order me around, Tristan." She hisses the last part, and it takes everything in me not to just grab her and throw her over my shoulder.

"Fine," I snarl. I turn around and stride back to the high top where I had been standing with the guys, the bridal party nowhere in sight. I barely register that Aiden and Max are a step behind me, having appeared as silent backup during the altercation. I remind myself to thank them once I'm calmer.

When Remy realizes I'm not leaving, she turns back to the bar in a huff. Every few minutes she glances my way, then scowls when she sees I'm still there, still watching her.

But I meant what I said. Jax would be pissed if I left her here so I'm not leaving. I just need to wait until she finishes her temper tantrum and realizes that if it weren't for my comment, she would've left already anyway.

She gets angrier with every glance my way.

Suddenly, she turns to the guy next to her. He's been sneaking glances at her for the past few minutes, but she’s had her back to him—until now.

He eagerly starts a conversation with her. She laughs easily, touching his arm when she does, and leans in too close. She angles her head so he can talk into her ear, over the music. Every movement, every touch, is intimate.

I would've bought her little performance if she didn't lock eyes with me the next time he whispered in her ear. I force a wide grin on my face and wink at her, signaling that I know exactly what she's doing.

She scowls and tugs the guy a little closer.

It's the moment I finally give up.

I turn to Max and Aiden and notice with surprise that they're talking to two cute girls. I've apparently been oblivious the entire night. "Sorry to interrupt, ladies," I drawl, "but I'm going to head out. I'll see you at the gym tomorrow. Have a good rest of your night." I give the guys a fist bump and flash a quick smile at the girls.

I was willing to wait around while she hung out with Lucy, but I'm not third wheeling if she wants to bring a guy home. Even Jax's wrath isn't worth that ego hit. She's a grown ass woman that can make her own stupid decisions.

I don't even glance in Remy's direction as I leave the bar.