Page 67 of Oath of Submission

I ignore the fact that he was right. Whatever.

All that matters now is he doesn’t leave me like this, all hot and bothered and craving the release only he can give me.

The weight of his body on top of mine increases as his mouth comes to my ear.

“Have you learned your lesson, Marialena? Or will I leave you needing more of me to help you know your place?”

Oh dearGod,he wouldn’t!

“Salvatore,” I say pleadingly, putting all the power of persuasion in my voice. “Noooo.”

“No what? No you haven’t learned your lesson, or no, don’t leave you on the cusp of climax?”

“Oh my God, don’t leave me on the edge. Please!”

The steady rhythm of his thrusts comes to a sudden halt. “So you’ve learned your lesson?”

“Yes, yes,yes!”

“And that is…?”

He remains still inside me as my pussy begins to clench around him, the first spasm of climax washing over me but needing just a touch more of him to bring me over the edge.

“Don’t interfere with what you do. Don’t disrespect you. Don’t walk around anyone but you unless all my lady bits are covered fully.”

“Good girl,” he says as he leans into another perfect thrust. “That’s my girl. Who’s the one who sees what’s mine?”


“Who’s the one you obey, no matter what?”

“You! You, of course,you!”

“And who’s the one that owns you?”

“You.You. It’s you,” I breathe as the power of my climax tears me apart.

* * *



“I don’t give a fuck about who’s there, what they said, or what we need to do next,” I tell Cristiano over the phone. “What I care about is that I get paid, and now, so I don’t have to take matters into my own hands. You get me?”

“Yeah, boss, of course I do,” he says on the other end of the line. “I’m on it.”

Marialena sits by the pool at our home in Tampa drinking a piña colada. She’s wearing a thin, sea-foam green bikini that barely covers her tits and ass. I can still see the red marks of my handprints at the tops of her thighs.

I blink. “Excuse me, what thefuckare you wearing?”

She looks down at the bikini. “Isn’t it adorable? Found it on clearance when I did some shopping a few days ago.”

I put down my phone and give her the full power of my glare. “You wentshopping? Without telling me?”

We’ve been home a full week and have actually enjoyed this week while my mother’s traveling and Cristiano’s on his best behavior.

“Oh, a little shopping never hurt anyone,” she says innocently, batting thick eyelashes at me. She almost gets away with anything she wants when she looks at me like that.