Page 65 of Oath of Submission

“If you ever fucking saunter around like this in front of my men again, I will chain you to my bed naked for a fuckingweek,” he snarls before his palm slams against my ass in the hardest spank he’s ever given me. My legs flail and my back arches. It hurts so much I’m in shock, my mouth open in a frozen scream while he strikes me again. “You will dress in clothes.” He punctuates every word with another hard spank. “You will never walk around half naked.” Another searing spank followed by another, and another. The tee covers my ass but does nothing to shield me from the pain of his palm.

“Am. I. Clear?” Every word underscored by another hard spank.

“Yeeesss,” I wail, submerged in pain and mortification. “Fine, yes,yes!”

“Good,” he grinds out, satisfied with himself. “That was your punishment for walking around indecently. Now we’ll address your disrespect in front of my men.”

“Sal-va-tor-e!” I scream as he lifts the tee and bares my ass to him. Again, his palm falls heavily and again, he lectures the hell out of me.

“I’ve made it clear who I am and what I expect,” he says, laying down one hard swat after another all over my ass and the tops of my thighs. I squirm and fight and try to get away, but his leg over mine pins me in place. I whimper and close my eyes as he continues. “You mayneverdisrespect me like that. You come to me and you talk to me, but I have authority over you and my men and I willnothave you undermining my authority.”

On and on the spanking goes until my skin’s aflame, on and on the lecture goes. “Do you understand me?”

“No!” I scream. I don’t care what he does to me at this point. “I will not allow you to abuse a child, I don’t care if you beat me or divorce me or leave me on the street!” I’m crying now, squirming on his lap. If I’m having children with this man, he needs to understand right now when and where I’ll fight him.

That gives him plenty of reasons to continue spanking me, hard.

I keep pleading my case even though I don’t really think it’s working.

“You and I will have children together if it’s meant to be, and I won’t be with a man who abuses children!”

The barrage of hard slaps suddenly halts. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” I say on a sob. “I won’t agree to this. I won’t agree to backing off.” A fresh torrent of tears begins. I lived under the roof of a man just like him. While my mother couldn’t stop my father, I won’t do the same. “You’re a monster and I hate you!”

“Is that right?” he asks in a slow, almost disbelieving tone. “You believe I was going to hurt the child, so you took it upon your altruistic self to save him?”

I don’t respond, because there’s a warning tone to his voice that gives me pause.

“And now you’re blatantly defying me. You fully plan on coming between me and whoever I’m dealing with if it conflicts with your feminine sensibilities?” He delivers a hard spank that makes me squeal. “Answer me!”

“Yes!” I scream. “A thousand timesyes.”

Silently, he moves his hands to his waist. He no longer holds my hands, but my legs are still under his, I’m still unable to move at all. I want to see what he’s doing. I want this to end. I want to discuss this like two reasonable adults.

But it seems he has no such plans. I tip my head to the side just in time to see him snake his belt off his waist and double it in his fist.

“Salvatore!” I protest, pushing at him to get off his lap, but he’s too strong, I’m too helpless in this position, and he’s determined to teach me a lesson.

The first lash of the belt falls in silence. I gasp in protest, unable to breathe through the searing pain. My fingers clench into fists and I stifle a whimper when the second whistling lash lands.

“You. Listen. To. Me.” Stripes of the belt land between each word. “I was not going to hurt him. He said that because I told him I would expect him to obey me, and apparently the last person he was expected to obey would treat discipline as an excuse to hurt him.”


I close my eyes as the belt falls again. And again. And again.

“I would not hurt a child.”

“Yet you’d whip a woman?” I ask, my voice tremulous and broken.

“A fully grown woman under my authority, who promised to obey me, who actuallylikesbeing spanked?Absolutely.”

“I do not like this kind of spanking!”

It’s like I flipped a switch. One second, he’s thrashing me like I’m a bad schoolgirl, the next second, his voice drops. “That isn’t true. You might not like the pain of it in the moment, but youlikebeing overpowered.”

“Not like this!” I insist.