Page 61 of Oath of Submission

But everything’s placid as can be.

I take the food and head back inside.

She stands in the doorway to the bathroom, her damp hair up in a towel like a turban. The color on her cheeks makes her look younger, her skin dewy and begging to be kissed.

In my head I know I shouldn’t fall for her. At the same time, I’m not sure any man could see a woman like that and be immune. I wonder if this is why so many before me have taken mistresses.

“Penny for your thoughts?” she says with a curious smile.

“How about we eat?”

“Salvatore,” she says, giving me a look like she wants to push but knows it’s not wise. “Are you evading the truth?”

“Come here.” I snap my fingers at a little stool by a circular table. “Sit your ass down and have something to eat.” I let a little of the asshole show. Not only do I have to not fall for her, I have to make sure she doesn’t make the mistake of having any feelings forme.

Her lips thin, but she obeys, walking over to where I point. She’s barefoot, a plush white robe cinched around her waist.

I start taking off the silver tops to trays. I relish every little squeal of pleasure.

“Oh my God,” she moans. “Ilovea good, authentic pizza. That looks like one you’d get in Rome. Is that mushroom risotto? And how did you know I love buffalo wings?”

What doesn’t she love?

“I just got a sampling of everything.”


I shrug and scratch the back of my neck. “I mean, I’ll eat, too.”

Her peal of laughter makes me jump. What did I say that’s funny?

“What?” I ask, not able to let this go. I take her by the arm and sit her down.

“You ordered enough food for ten. I’m not sure you and I alone will make a dent, but I’m willing to give it a go.”

“I’ve got a big appetite.”

She frowns. “If that boy is hungry…”

“My staff will feed him,” I interrupt. I’m pissed we were disturbed and don’t need to add the responsibility of a fucking child to my plate.

“Was there anything on that room service menu youdidn’torder?”

I nod. “Beet salad and quinoa. I hate them.”

She sits, still dressed in her robe, across from me. “Of all the foods to dislike, you’ve chosen some good ones.”

I grunt and sit down at the table, placing an empty dish in front of each of us. I give her a little serving of everything and the same to myself. We eat in silence for long minutes.

“Alright, I’m going to officially get fat as Mrs. Capo.”

I wink at her. “I’ll help you burn those calories.”

She sticks her tongue out at me. “Sure you will.”

“Watch it. We can do it with or without a sore ass. That’s up to you.”

She wraps her lips around a fried coconut shrimp, eats it in two large bites, then winks at me. “Again with the threats…”