Page 34 of Dare You to Lie

My brother Will walked into the room like he owned the place. His fitted suit probably cost more than my entire closet. Panic unfurled in my gut. Luke’s eyes followed mine and widened when they landed on Will. He mumbled an excuse about needing to find a bathroom and bolted.

Will joined us at the table with a wide, vaguely predatory smile. “Well, well, well, baby brother. I hear congratulations are in order.”

“How the hell did you hear about that?” I asked.

“News seems to travel like a wildfire around here,” Kat muttered.

“Mom texted me. I’m just glad I was on my way here so I could congratulate you in person.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks.”

“So this is my sister-in-law-to-be?” Will bent forward and took Kat’s hand in his. He brought it up to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on it. “Beautiful.” Kat blushed, and anger swirled inside of me.

My mom chose that moment to reappear. She sat a plate full of food in front of Kat and smiled. “I’m sorry that took so long. Rose Warren stopped me to talk about the new children’s wing at the hospital.”

“I’m so happy you guys are getting married,” she continued. “I need to get to know you better, though, if you’re going to be my daughter-in-law. You’ll have to come by for dinner. Stephen just finished a new wine that he’s been dying to try. Does next Saturday work for you guys?”

Kat looked to me, but I wasn’t sure what to say. My mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. This charade wasn’t supposed to go past tonight.

My mom looked at me expectantly.

“Sure,” I said.

She wrapped me in a hug. “Great. Make sure you wear your ring, Kat. I can’t wait to see it.”

Turning toward my brother, she said, “Willard, you’re next. No more of this bachelor stuff. I want all of my boys married and happy.”

Rebecca snorted. “Willard.”

Will narrowed his eyes. “I’m perfectly happy with my life the way it is.”

She patted his cheek hard. “You keep telling yourself that, dear. Nothing compares to the love of a woman. Just ask your brother.”

I choked on my champagne. My mom waved goodbye and tugged Will along with her. They were off to schmooze their way through the room. I let out a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived. A man approached us, and he didn’t look happy.

“What’s this I hear about you getting engaged to my daughter without asking my permission?”

Kat stood and placed her hand on his arm. “Dad, please. Let’s not do this here.”

He looked at his daughter. “You’re right. I’m just angry that your fiancé didn’t ask for permission. What kind of man does that?”

“I know, Dad. I’m sorry. Our romance has been a whirlwind,” Kat said.

“You can say that again,” Rebecca muttered. Kat kicked her in the shin. “Ouch.”

“Can we talk about this later?” Kat asked.

“You’re always making terrible choices, Katerina. When will you ever learn?”

Her face fell, and her shoulders slumped. It was only for a second and then, like she’d put on armor, she stood up straight, lifted her head, and stared back at her dad.

“I’ve been making excellent choices since I moved to Oak Springs, and Sid”—she yanked me against her—“has been the best choice. He’s an amazing man, and you’d be lucky to know him.”

“Great. Bring him by next Sunday for a proper introduction.” It was an order, not a question.

I swallowed hard. What had I gotten us into?

Chapter 11