Page 148 of Dare You to Lie

“Never going to happen.”

“It will, and I’ll be there to point it out,” I said.

“There will be nothing to point out.”

“Okay,” I said with a smile.

Will growled. “Face the front and stop talking. Your wife is about to cut the ribbon on my new investment.”

I rolled my eyes. One day, Will would find his person. He’d look at a woman the same way I looked at Kat, like she was everything. His heart would beat only for her, and he wouldn’t want to spend his life with anyone else. He’d live to make that woman happy and be forever grateful she chose him.

It was the way I felt every day, and I knew the feeling wouldn’t fade. Kat and Sarah cut a thick red ribbon with the large novelty scissors Tom Tracy had insisted they use. Laney took pictures, and everyone cheered. I was so damn proud of Kat. She looked out into the crowd, found me, and winked. I smiled and winked back.

I’d spend the rest of my life being her biggest supporter because she did the same for me. Not a day would go by when I didn’t show her how much she meant to me and how much I loved her. I was forever grateful for a second chance at living, and it was all because of a lie.

Daily Happenings

Congratulations to Kat and Sarah for opening Knead to Relax Wellness Spa. If you haven’t tried out their new hot yoga, get over there. It’s an experience.

We’re happy to see a smile on Sheriff Lewis’ face now that he’s married to the lovely Kat. Are babies on the horizon for the newlyweds? You know what to do, Ruth. Get over there with some of your tea.

In other news, Charlie Wilson is still looking for a roommate. If you know of anyone who would like to rent a room, send them Charlie’s way. Also, Mindy is still looking for help in her store, so let her know if you’re interested or know someone.

That’s all the news we have today, folks. Stay tuned for the next Daily Happenings.

WANT TO SEE WHERE IT ALL STARTED? Turn the page to read the first chapter of Dare You to Love.

Dare You To Love: Chapter 1


SUNSHINE SPILLED THROUGH the second-story window of my home and seeped into my skin. The heat, mixed with the smell of coffee, woke me from a peaceful sleep. Was there ever a better invention than a timer on a coffee pot? Not any I knew of.

Normally I used those quick-brew pods, but the brewer was already packed in one of the many kitchen boxes. Moving was a pain in the ass. I was ready for the next phase in my life, though. Ready to close this chapter and open a new one. Maybe even a whole new book.

Stretching out with my arms above my head, lengthening out my spine, I closed my eyes and counted to five. I sat up and put my feet flat on the floor and stretched my neck, five seconds on each side. Then I took a few deep, calming breaths before standing up.

It was the same routine every day. Stretching and deep breathing. It’s what helped to center me before starting the day. My alarm hadn’t gone off yet, which meant I had thirty extra minutes to get ready for work.

After a quick shower, I made my way down to the main floor of the house. I cinched my robe a little tighter as I walked down the carpeted stairs. I rounded the banister and stopped in the living room. This was the room I’d miss the most.

My best friend, Mindy, and I had spent a lot of time watching movies and curling up by the stone fireplace. A few open boxes were in the room awaiting their final contents before I sealed them up. I had to remind myself that selling this house was a good thing. It was too large for one person, and the bad memories in the house outweighed the good ones.

The smell of fresh brewed coffee wrapped around me like a warm blanket when I entered the kitchen. It was my second favorite room in the house. I’d taken a few cooking classes over the past few weeks and was really starting to love it.

Cooking for one was always a challenge, and lots of food went to waste until a few months ago when I discovered a local food bank close to the house. They were always happy to take any leftovers I had. It only encouraged me to cook more. Most times I didn’t even eat the food, I just drove it to the food bank and dropped it off. Serving there a few times a month brought me great joy, especially since I was able to meet the people who ate my food.

Stepping around the obstacle course of boxes, I grabbed my favorite mug from beside the sink and poured the steaming liquid in. As I added cream and sugar, I looked out the kitchen window over the large backyard.

The parties I wanted to host back there died along with my dreams for this house when my ex-boyfriend, Vincent Bradbury, walked into this very room eight months ago and told me he was cheating on me. For the second time.

After I threatened to tell his mother if he didn’t leave—he was a mommy’s boy through and through—he packed his things and left. He transferred the house to my name shortly after. Hush money in the form of a half-a-million-dollar home that was too large for me to handle on my own. That, coupled with the expensive-as-hell mortgage I couldn’t afford, was reason enough to sell.

The house still belonged to him, no matter how much I renovated it. He had it constructed for us a year and a half into our relationship. I was so excited to pick out flooring and paint colors. To decorate the inside and fill it with things we loved. Except none of that happened.

Vincent became a different person. Not the same man I met and fell in love with, if you could even really call it love. I was so enamored with the life he was promising me, I confused it all with love. It was just the hope of a different life, not that my life was terrible or anything. Far from it. It was just… boring.

I wasn’t one to leave the nest on my own, and Vincent was the push I needed. We met when he was on a business trip in my hometown in Pennsylvania. I fell in what was clearly lust and followed him to Bellport, North Carolina.