Page 121 of Dare You to Lie

“No can do. Let’s go. Shower, then we need to talk.”

I rolled my eyes and dragged myself off the couch, heading to the kitchen. “I need coffee and painkillers.”

Will followed me and fed Shiloh while I filled up the biggest cup I could find with old coffee. Kat had set the large coffeepot on a timer, and if I remembered to add grounds and water, it still came on automatically at eight each morning. I took a sip and cringed.

“I’ll make a fresh pot while you shower. Go.”

I felt marginally better after my shower. I could smell fresh coffee when I walked into the kitchen, and that helped even more. Will was standing at the stove.

“Better?” he asked without turning around.

I grunted and he laughed. The sound of it echoed through my skull, and I growled, which only spurred him on more.

“Here, Sunshine.” He set a plate of eggs and bacon down in front of me. The toaster popped, and Will buttered two slices of toast and put them on my plate.

He sat down and tucked into his own breakfast. The silence was killing me.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

He finished chewing, wiped his mouth, and sat back. “It’s Christmas, and I know you have no intention of leaving the house.”

“Doesn’t answer the question.”

He chuckled, and it grated on my nerves. “Figured you could use a friendly face.”

“I’d rather be alone.”

“Hmm, that explains why you let her go.”

My head snapped up. “How did you hear about that?”

“News travels fast in small towns.”

That must be why my mom had been blowing up my phone. But how did they hear about it?

“I can see your wheels turning. Mom heard from Kat’s mom, who heard from Rebecca. Also, the damn gossip blog you guys have here said the wedding was off.”

Anger burned through me. Who the hell was writing that thing, and how had they heard about it? It explained the scowls and whispers I got when I walked through town.

“Let me pull it up for you,” Will said.

“No,” I yelled. “I don’t want to hear what the fucking town has to say about me this time.”

He leaned forward. “Then why don’t you tell me your version? Why did you fake an engagement, and what happened?”

I sighed and sat back, taking a big gulp of coffee while I collected my thoughts. After a few minutes, I took a deep breath and dove into the story. Will laughed at the part where I played the hero to save Kat from her parents. I left out all the sex and how I fell for her. I fell hard for her.

I knew that was why I was so miserable. I hated myself for what happened, but I couldn’t be what Kat needed me to be. I wasn’t that guy. She deserved better, and over time, she’d heal and realize that I had done her a favor.

“Let me get this straight. You jumped in to save her by saying you were engaged, you lied to family and friends to keep up the charade—”

“Because it got out of hand, and we didn’t know what to do.”

“Right. Then you fell for her, and somewhere along the line, it stopped being fake, but instead of jumping in, you ran.”

“I didn’t run,” I gritted out. “I did her a favor.”

He raised one eyebrow and stared me down. I turned away and cleared my throat.