Page 9 of Dare You to Lie

“So, how are you getting your truck?” Frank asked again.

“I don’t know. I hadn’t thought that far.”

He rolled his eyes.

“Can you bring me back here tomorrow?” Tomorrow was Sunday, and it wasn’t like he had anything going on besides family dinner.

Frank looked pissed. “No. I can’t. We have a class tomorrow, and you’re supposed to be there for jumping.”

Shit. Another thing I’d forgotten about. Guess tomorrow was Saturday, not Sunday.

“I’ll figure something out,” I mumbled.

He sighed. “I’ll send someone to get your ass in the morning, and we’ll figure out a way to get it.”


His phone rang, and it echoed in my skull. Great, a headache was already coming on. Frank fumbled to dig it out of his pocket, then answered in a rush. “Are they on their way?”

I couldn’t hear who was on the phone, but at this hour, I could guess. It was a little too early for Mindy to be having the twins, but it was common to go early with multiples. Frank was always on alert.

“Okay. Where do you want me to get that?” Frank asked.

My eyes slid closed.

“They’re closed,” he shouted.

My eyes opened, and I peered over at him. One hand held the phone tight against his head, and the other was in his hair.

“Okay. I’ll see what I can do. Love you.”

He hung up the phone and sighed. “Mindy wants me to get pickles and ice cream.”

I scrunched up my nose as my stomach rolled. The thought of those two items going together made me sick.

Frank put the truck in reverse and backed out of the parking space. “These pregnancy cravings will be the death of me.”

I chuckled.

“Last week she wanted steak and onions. I took a steak out of the freezer and thawed it, then got all the seasonings out and took it out to grill. She came down and yelled at me and told me I needed to go to Sandy’s Diner instead because she wanted it from there. It was six at night, and Sandy’s was about to close. What the hell did she want from me?”

“Did you go?” I asked. My eyes slid closed. Sleep was nearing.

“Yeah, I went. Sandy met me at the door with the damn steak wrapped up and a banana shake. I guess Mindy called ahead but forgot to tell me. Pregnancy brain is a real thing. There’s so much shit she has forgotten since we found out we were expecting.”


He chuckled. “Go to sleep, sunshine. We’ll be home soon.”

I flipped him off, or at least I thought I did. Sleep was pulling me under, and the more he talked, the deeper into the dark I slipped. His voice had a calming effect. I’d never tell him that when I was sober, though. He started on a tangent about something else going on with Mindy and her pregnancy. Once we hit the highway, I was out.

Chapter 3


POUNDING ON MY FRONT DOOR woke me up, and I was ready to throttle whoever was on the other side. My black lab, Shiloh, barked as she bounded down the stairs ahead of me, and the sound reverberated through my skull. I growled and continued toward the door with heavy steps. I had the hangover from hell, and the pounding and barking were making it worse.

Fucking Frank. I ripped open the door, ready to strangle him, but stopped short. It wasn’t Frank on my porch after all. Instead, Katerina Cooper’s crystal blue eyes sparkled back at me. Then they widened and roamed over my naked chest and down to my hips. I glanced down and was relieved to see I’d had the sense to tug on a pair of gray sweatpants before coming down.