Page 144 of Dare You to Lie

“This is for you.” She handed me a pretty blue envelope that looked vaguely familiar.

I carefully opened it and pulled out one of the wedding invitations I had picked out with Kate months ago. I inhaled sharply. The date I had chosen with Sid’s mom was under our names and a time.

“What’s this?” I asked.

No one spoke. Mindy smirked. Kate clasped her hands together as tears gathered in her eyes. Laney smiled, and Rebecca looked nervous.

“What’s going on?”

“Read it,” Rebecca urged.

I read it again. “It’s our wedding invitation, but we never had them printed. I’m confused.”

“Read the back,” Laney said, flipping it over.

There was a note scrawled in Sid’s handwriting. I read it aloud.

My Dearest Katerina,

I never would have thought in a million years that I would fall head over heels for a girl who is my complete opposite. Especially not someone as bubbly as you.

I laughed, and so did everyone else.

But I’m so glad I did. Kat, you’re the sunshine that chases away the darkness in my life, much like when the sun rises on our town. I love your laugh and how smart you are. But mostly, I love your warmth and smile. Even on the worst days, your light breaks through. No matter what I’m going through, you always make me feel better. I need you by my side. I can’t live in darkness anymore, and when you’re not around, the light is gone. You make me want to open up and be a better man. You’re my other half, and without you, I’m not whole.

I sniffled and wiped at my eyes so I could keep reading.

Please do me the honor of meeting me at the vineyard on Saturday and making me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife. I’ll be waiting for you at the end of the aisle.

Forever yours,


Wetness dripped onto the invitation, and it took me a moment to realize it was from my tears. The only sound in the room was sniffling. I looked up, and everyone had tears in their eyes. Rebecca was handing out tissues, and I laughed.

“How can I say no?” I asked.

“Yes!” Mindy shouted, jumping up. She gave me a huge hug, and the room exploded with cheers and squeals.

“We thought you might say that, so now we have to get ready since the wedding is in two days.”

“Oh my gosh. It’s so soon.” I flipped the card back over and looked at the date and time again. Two days. Holy shit. “I’m getting married.”

“I’m getting married!” I repeated, shouting it this time. The girls jumped on me, and after the excitement died down, we got to work planning.

I couldn’t wait to walk down that aisle. Sid and I had gone through a lot, but our love had outlasted the trials. We were going to make it. For better or worse, I couldn’t wait to do life with him. To embark on adventures and grow, not only as a couple, but also as an individual. He wasn’t the type of man I ever would have picked for myself, so I was thankful that he’d asked me to pretend with him.

My heart pumped harder, and my stomach tumbled with nerves as Kate started pulling out decorations and talked about getting the bridesmaid dresses. Today was my bachelorette party, only I didn’t know that. The guys were taking Sid out the night before the wedding so he’d have a chance to cut loose.

Oddly enough, I trusted him completely and was more nervous about marrying him than what would happen at his bachelor party. He had been loyal and honest ever since he’d asked me to marry him again, and I no longer worried about the future with him. I knew that my heart was safe in his hands.

Chapter 40


NERVES ATE AWAY AT me as I stood in front of the arbor arch at my parents’ vineyard. I was just as anxious and nervous today as I was when Kat and I first visited here together months ago, but this time, I wasn’t sure if Kat was coming. I had tried to see her over the past two days to find out if she’d said yes, but our friends kept us apart.

I couldn’t wait to marry her. She was the love of my life. If someone would have asked me months ago if I thought Kat would be that person, I would have scoffed in their face and said hell no. But now I couldn’t imagine life without her. She was perfect for me in every way. We complemented each other.