Page 13 of Dare You to Lie

Was he making fun of me? Light danced in his eyes, but he was still frowning. He was a hard man to read.

“Look, it wouldn’t be that farfetched for us to go together since both of our families attend. You’d be helping me out too. We could pretend we’re seeing each other, and that will take care of our parents hounding us,” Sid said.

“You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?”

He scratched his beard and looked away. “Yeah. We’ll go as friends but tell them we’re dating. It will get both our moms off our backs.”

He was right. If I showed up with a man, then my mom wouldn’t be able to force anyone else on me. But it was Sid, and we didn’t exactly scream in love. He barely seemed to tolerate me. Would anyone buy it? Then there was Rebecca. She knew we weren’t dating. Could we pull the wool over her eyes too?

“You don’t have to decide now. Just know the offer stands,” Sid said.

He turned and started walking toward the small coffee shop on the corner. I stared at him while I mulled over his offer. I couldn’t decide if it was a good idea or not. I’d declined my parents’ requests multiple times in the past few months, and now they were pressing hard. Threatening things they couldn’t follow through with. They knew I’d eventually cave to their harassment, but claiming Sid was my date would put an end to that.

If Sid went with me, at least I’d have someone who was equally miserable being there. We’d be able to hide out on the sidelines, and he wouldn’t be dragging me around to schmooze the big wigs.

“Are you coming?” Sid asked. He was holding open the door to the coffee shop. I nodded and hurried to the door.


He nodded.

We ordered coffee and pastries. Thankfully, Sid didn’t want to stay. He muttered something about needing to be on the road, and I had to get to work. Once we got back to our vehicles, he paused at my door.

“Send me a text if you want me to go. I need a few days’ notice so I can get a suit. I don’t keep those things lying around.”

Was that a joke? It was hard to tell. I laughed anyway. “No, I don’t see you as having a closet full of suits. I’ll give you enough time.”

He nodded again and then walked to his truck. Every interaction I’d had with Sid over the last two years had been awkward. We didn’t fit. It felt like he had his guard up around me, and my bubbly personality seemed to grate on him. But he was willing to help me out, and that meant a lot. He was a good friend, that I knew.

I breathed a sigh, turned my phone to silent, and headed back to Oak Springs.

Chapter 5


THE SUN HUNG LOW in the sky, and the wind whipped through my hair as Orion and I chased down a faux cow that Frank’s cousin Charlie was pulling with the tractor. We raced toward it with vigor, and when we got close enough, I lifted my arm and swung the rope around a few times before letting it fly. It hooked the cow perfectly around the neck. I pulled the rope tight and then let go so it wouldn’t pull us forward.

Charlie slowed down, and I let out a victorious shout. It was turning out to be a good day, despite how it had started. I still couldn’t believe I’d asked Kat to act as my girlfriend and be my date to a gala I didn’t even want to attend. What the hell had I been thinking?

Orion pulled to the side toward the fence. Kids and parents clapped and cheered as my demonstration came to a close. Frank had started a camp for inexperienced riders two years ago, and it had really grown.

He now provided training for competitions; beginner, intermediate, and advanced riding lessons; and jumping and roping classes. He offered private lessons as well. Charlie and I led the jumping and roping classes, while Frank handled the rest. Jacob, Frank’s brother, helped out with private lessons and the day camp when he could.

Peter, Charlie, Jacob, Frank, and I had finished building cabins on the property a few weeks ago so Frank could add a full-time riding camp. They would offer a week at a time to start and then eventually open it to a full-time summer camp. Frank opened enrollment for the first full week of riding camp last week, and it filled up quickly.

Frank and Mindy approached the fence, and I led Orion in that direction. The roping arena was new and sat toward the back of the property, near the line that divided Frank’s farm from Jacob’s.

“Orion’s jumping like a champ,” I said, reaching forward and patting his thick neck. Orion was the perfect horse. He was a new gelding that had arrived at Wilson Farms a month ago. We bonded, and he’d become mine, despite Frank’s protests.

“You look good on the back of him,” Mindy said.

Frank scowled at her. “Quit hitting on him.”

“Oh, stop. You have nothing to worry about. I married you, remember?” Mindy pulled him in for a kiss. “I have to say, though, it looked like Sid was faster than you. Did you time that, Sid?”

I chuckled at the look of jealousy on Frank’s face. “No, not this time.”

“Oh, hell no!” Frank shouted. “Let’s go. Roping contest. You and me.”