Page 116 of Dare You to Lie

“You look beautiful,” he said. His voice was like warm cocoa on a snowy day, and I drank it in.

“What’s going on?” I asked. “You’ve been avoiding me and the house. What did I do?”

His head snapped up, and his face looked tortured. “It’s not you.”

“Seriously? That’s the line you’re going with?” I asked.

There was a knock on the door. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but we’re ready to eat,” Mindy said.

“So, are we going to talk about what’s going on, or are you going to continue to freeze me out?” I asked.

“Can we do this later?” he asked.

“Will you talk to me later?” I countered.

“Yes. I promise.”

I nodded and stepped to the side so he could leave. My makeup still looked damn good except for a slight smudge of black beneath one eye. I wiped it away, took another deep breath, and readied myself for battle. He was going to break my heart, but only if I let him. And I was stronger than that.

“THE GLAZE ON THIS ham is delicious. What’s in it?" Kate asked.

“Brown sugar, maple syrup, dry mustard, cornstarch, and orange juice,” Mindy said.

“Wow. It’s so good.”

I was sitting at one end of the table with the girls while Sid sat at the other end with the guys. It was hard to concentrate on the conversation when all I could think about was my relationship ending.

“Kat?” Kate asked, placing her hand on mine. I jumped.

“Sorry. I was thinking about something.”

Kate looked concerned. “I asked when you were going to pick up your wedding dress.”

“I don’t know,” I whispered. Rebecca grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed. I smiled at her and stuck another bite of ham in my mouth so I didn’t have to talk about the wedding any longer.

“I put in the order for the flowers. Have you talked to Sid about cake tasting?” Kate asked.

I shook my head and glanced at Sid. He was staring at me, and he looked mad as hell.

“I think dusty blue for bridesmaid dresses would look amazing.”

A chair scraped against the ground. “Enough,” Sid shouted.

All conversation stopped, and everyone looked at Sid. Anger radiated off him, and I prayed he would keep his cool until we could hash things out in private. The last thing I wanted was to be humiliated in front of everyone.

“What’s going on, man?” Frank asked.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

“What are you talking about?”

“There isn’t a wedding,” he said.

My stomach dropped, and my cheeks burned. A few eyes turned toward me, but I kept mine fixed on Sid. I begged him to stop with my eyes, but he ignored me. He walked away from the table and looked out the window.

“Why not?” Mindy asked.

When Sid didn’t answer, she looked at me, but I couldn’t find the words.