Page 113 of Dare You to Lie

“I’m going to gain so much weight this season,” I said.

“Same,” Rebecca said.

We weaved our way around the families in line to see Santa, who was really Ken Marshall. He owned the music store, On a Different Note, and was Tom Tracy’s best friend. I had spotted Tom earlier selling peppermint popcorn. I wasn’t keen on trying it since that was the flavor of the month in my subscription box, and I had four bags at home.

“Is Sid working?” Rebecca asked.

I nodded.

She looked around the park. “I didn’t see him.”

“Why would he be here? He’s at the station.”

She frowned. “Usually they work security here.” She pointed to Sid’s partner, Tod Nelson. He was near all the food and beverage tables in full uniform.

“Hmm, that’s strange.”

“Come on.” She pulled me toward the young deputy. “Hey, Nelson, this is my sister Kat.”

He nodded. “Sid’s fiancée. How do you do?”

“Good. Do you know if Sid is at the station?”

“Probably.” He looked out over the crowd as he spoke. “He doesn’t come to the tree lighting.”

“Why?” I asked.

Nelson shrugged. “He doesn’t share his personal life with me. But I’ve been here four years, and he hasn’t come to one yet.”

“That’s strange.”

Nelson’s eyes widened, and he excused himself.

“I wonder why,” I muttered.

“There has to be a good reason,” Rebecca said.

“I guess. Something has been going on with him. He’s been emotionally distant except for when we made love this morning. After that he shut down. And the closer it gets to Christmas, the more he retreats. I’m going to find Frank. He would know,” I said.

“Okay, I’ll be over with Laney and her family.”

I hugged my sister and then weaved through the crowd. Fear clawed at me. As I searched for Mindy and Frank, people kept stopping me to ask how my engagement was, if I had set a date, and where my fiancé was. It was overwhelming and a little embarrassing.

“Hey,” Mindy said, waving me over. She gave me a hug, and I nearly broke. I had a terrible feeling settling in the pit of my stomach.

“Where’s Sid?” Frank asked. He took a sip of hot chocolate, and his eyes roamed the park.

“I was going to ask you the same thing. Nelson said he doesn’t come to the tree lighting, and Sid told me he had to work.”

Frank’s eyes widened, and he froze with the cup to his mouth.

“What do you know?” Mindy asked.

He took a big gulp of his drink. “Nothing.”

“No sex, Frank,” Mindy threatened.

He opened his mouth to argue, but Mindy cut him off. “Try me. I’ve been tired as hell and crabby. I can go without it.”