Page 10 of Dare You to Lie

“What are you doing here?” I asked. My voice was husky from sleep.

She cleared her throat and smiled. “I’m here to get you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Frank sent me to pick you up. He said you needed a ride to your truck, and I’m the only one available.”

Shiloh picked that moment to push past me. She sniffed at Kat and then jumped on her, causing her to stumble backward. I reached out and grabbed her arm.

“Shiloh, down!” I said sternly. She wasn’t listening, so I grabbed her collar and tugged her down. Letting go of Kat, I led Shiloh back inside.

Kat followed me in and looked around. It made me slightly nervous. I didn’t have people over to visit, and her being here in my space felt like an invasion of my privacy. I scanned the room for anything that might be embarrassing and came up empty.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“It’s eight,” she said, wandering over to look at the photographs on the mantel above the fireplace.

Kat was beautiful, with long honey blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her amazing curves were on display in a pair of shorts that showcased her thicker thighs and luscious ass. It was hard not to stare, and those curves had me thinking a lot of things I shouldn’t have been. Especially now with only a pair of sweats on. I turned away and took a deep breath.

I grunted and walked into the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker. I needed to distract myself from the effect she had on me. Kat may have been gorgeous, but she was also unpredictable and caught up in her appearance. I’d never pursue her. Her bubbly personality drove me nuts, and we were complete opposites.

She loved attention and going out, while I liked to be invisible and enjoyed staying in. I’d tossed around the idea of asking Kat to help me dodge my mom but then thought better of it. I didn’t think I’d be able to stand being around Kat all the time. And it would probably have the opposite of the intended effect on my mom. She’d be so happy that she’d start planning a wedding.

Kat walked into the kitchen, and Shiloh went for her again. I grabbed her collar before she could jump and let her outside, tossing out a ball that she’d had at the back door.

“Sorry about that. She loves people.”

“That’s okay.”

“Would you like some coffee?” I asked.

She nodded and took a seat at the small table positioned in front of a window overlooking the backyard.

“Your house is really nice. I love how close it is to town.”

“Thanks,” I muttered and poured our coffee. I set out cream and sugar on the table, not sure how she took hers. She reached for the sugar and dumped two spoonsful in and then stirred slowly while watching Shiloh play in the backyard. A look of contentment settled over her face, and she let out a sigh.

“Why did Frank send you?” I asked as I took a seat across from her.

When she looked at me and her eyes drifted to my chest again, I wished I had a shirt on. I didn’t even want to think about what my hair looked like. I’d rolled out of bed, thrown on pants, and answered the door.

She cleared her throat and took a sip of the coffee, then looked outside again. I ran my hands through my hair, brushing it back from my face. I hoped I’d smoothed it out.

“Like I said, I was the only one available. He called Rebecca to ask if she could grab you, but she was already on her way to the restaurant.”

“So he called you?” I asked with a raised brow.

She shrugged. “Yeah. He asked if I could take you to the city to grab your truck. Something about a date gone wrong and you left it there.”

I cursed under my breath, and she giggled. The sound surprised me. I glanced at her. She was still staring out the window, but she was smiling.

“Don’t worry. I won’t hound you about it,” she said.

My shoulders relaxed.


I tensed again and frowned. Her giggle again surprised me, and I stood, needing to put some distance between us. I didn’t like what this conversation was doing to me.