“Easter was only last month,” Davina pointed out.

“Yes,” said Juliet, “that would be lovely.” She had one more thing to say. The most important thing. “True desire will come to you someday, Davina, and leave you no choice but to follow it. You’ll know when you find it.”

And with a sure step Juliet began making her way up the center aisle, toward the stage.

Toward the man she was madly, irrevocably in love with.

Toward the man who would be hers.

After all, it was Shakespeare who said all the world was a stage—in the very play that was presently being enacted on those boards.

And within the black-and-white lines of a play wasn’t there universal truth that infused words with meaning?

What better place to speak her heart and ask for a future with the man who would be hers, if he would have her?

Chapter Sixteen

Ten minutes earlier

Rory poked hishead around the curtain and gave the audience a quick scan. It wasn’t until he squinted that he found Juliet standing against the back wall in the farthest reaches of the receiving hall, holding a…

Was that a wind chime in her hand?

And who was that standing beside her?

His stomach lurched. He might’ve groaned, too.

Miss Dalhousie.

The former object of his affection conversing with the woman he was determined to spend the rest of his life with.

That might not result in a positive outcome for him.

A throat cleared behind him. He turned to find Ravensworth giving his tatty, old kilt an amused up-and-down. Rory wouldn’t be living this night down for a good long while, the duke’s single lifted eyebrow said.

“Rory,” said Ravensworth.

“Sebastian,” Rory returned.

The amusement faded from Ravensworth’s eyes, replaced with a purposeful glint. Rory knew that look. His friend had something to say.

At last, he said it. “Are you planning to do right by her?”

Rory didn’t need to ask whoherwas. He supposed it had become obvious. “If she lets me.”

That was the truth.

Ravensworth snorted. “Windermeres.”


Ravensworth grew deadly serious. “Convince her.”

Rory nodded and took a step, determined to do exactly that. A staying hand wrapped around his upper arm. “You’re not thinking of going to her, are you?” said Ravensworth.

That was exactly what Rory was thinking.

She had to know they were perfect for each other.