With a muffled roar into the curve of her throat, his release collapsed onto him, and he spent his seed. In the aftermath of seconds slower than the usual beat of time, his movements eased, but he didn’t part from her. Instead, he gathered her closer into the secure warmth of his embrace, his breath ragged against her shoulder.

“Rory,” she muttered into his neck. “I never knew this about you.”

“What is that?” He hadn’t lifted his face from her hair.

“How magnificent you are.”

“I am a rather large, lumbering fellow.”

She angled her head without pulling fully away and caught his turquoise gaze. “Not your body.You, Rory.Youare magnificent.”

He tensed, and she had the distinct feeling she’d spoken precisely the wrong words.


He pulled away. She experienced loss the instant he separated from her.

How was it she was now only whole when he was inside her?

He tugged her skirts down over her knees, the fabric dropping to her shins.

“Ah?” She’d said something wrong, but couldn’t understand what.

He buttoned the fall of his trousers, his chest still bare. “You are new to this.”



Her brow lifted as she waited in silence for him to continue.

“You’re not yet acquainted with the particular feelings that flow through the body and mind after a good—”

“Tup?” She was, however, familiar with the particular feeling that was currently flowing through her.Pique.“Would you care to explain it to me?”

He spread his hands wide. “It’s just that sometimes it provokes people to express emotions that they likely won’t feel as strongly in an hour or so.”

She nodded slowly. “So, you’re saying that in sixty minutes I won’t find you quite as magnificent as I do now?”

“I might’ve sunk to middling by then.” He hesitated. “Or worse.”

“Or worse?”

Darkness flashed behind his eyes. “You might think me a rake by then,” he said, low and sincere.

“I’ll never think that about you, Rory.” It was only the truth. Besides… “Perhaps I’m the rake.”

“Can a lady be a rake?”

“Perhaps.” She considered the question. “It depends on how the power is balanced between the two people.”

“And how is the power balanced between us?”

A good question.

One she wasn’t prepared to answer.

It was this desire that kept spiking through her. She wanted him again. His mouth upon her. Hers upon him. Their sexes joined. The intimacy of that union.