“I will. I’ll keep it on and by my side at all times.”

“Enjoy your holiday,” she says.

“You too.”

We disconnect, and I fall back on the bed and close my eyes.

That went as well as could be expected.

I shower and join everyone downstairs to construct a gingerbread village.

The food, phone call, and shower went a long way in pulling me out of my funk.

Norah and Willa are seated across from Mom and Trixie, and the other guests are spread out across the long dining table. Everything needed to create the gingerbread confections is included in the boxed kits at each chair. Bowls containing extra candies and sprinkles and icing are scattered across the center for everyone to use.

Each person’s house is different. There are churches, cottages, lighthouses, storefronts, and even a tree house, which just happens to be the one that is placed in front of me to assemble.

“I came up with a name,” Norah says once the construction is underway.

“A name for what?” I ask.

“For the new products. I figured if they were going to be purchased, I needed to brand them.”

“Yes, you definitely should,” I agree.

“I’ve decided to call it Mistletoe Magic.”

“Mistletoe Magic,” I repeat.

“What do you think?” she asks.

“It has a nice ring to it.”

She beams. “I think so too.”

We spend the next two hours perfecting our structures and helping the children with theirs. Once we are all satisfied with our creations, we take them to Hal, who arranges the village, adding streetlamps and figurines to bring it all together.

The knot in my stomach begins to tighten again as I double-check that my phone is indeed on and in my pocket.

Should I have just gone home?

I shuffle into the kitchen and find Norah and Willa rummaging through the refrigerator.

“Hi,” Norah greets, and then her expression grows concerned when she turns and catches a look at me. “Are you okay?” she asks.

At her question, Willa’s eyes find me. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

I plop onto one of the barstools at the island. “Everything,” I mumble.

They give each other a look, and then Norah asks, “Is this about Bran?”


“You sure?” Willa asks.

“Positive. It’s about me and standing up to my boss.”

“Care to drown your sorrows?” Norah asks.