“Sure. What are we doing?”

“Pop dropped his boat off this morning. It’s in my old workshop. I need to get it ready for the parade this Saturday.”

Every year, the town hosts a Christmas boat parade. It’s one of the biggest attractions on the night of the Christmas market. Bob and Keller take the contest very seriously.

“You know I’m down. What’s the theme this year?”

“Pop wants to doThe Polar Express. So, we’re gonna have to build a train frame and cover it with lights.”

“That shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“I’ll see if Willa and Hannah want to come and help,” he says.


We pack up our leftovers and store them in the fridge, where we keep our beverages.

“I bought a ring yesterday,” he blurts out once we are back to work.

I look up from the globe in front of me to him. “Are you serious?”


That explains why he’s been acting kind of strange.

“It’s about time. When are you going to ask her?”

“I’m thinking about doing it the night of the Holly Ball. She’s on edge, worrying about whether everything will come together. I figure that night, after that stress is lifted from her shoulders, I’ll take my shot. All our friends and family will be in attendance, so there won’t be anything to raise her suspicion,” he says.

“Sounds like a solid plan,” I tell him.

“Yeah. I just have to figure out the perfect moment to do it.”

“You’ll know when it’s right,” I assure him.

“That’s what Pop said.”

We both focus our attention back to the tasks in front of us. Then, I look back over at him.

“Keller,” I call.

He brings his eyes to me.

“Congratulations, man. Willa’s a helluva woman,” I say.

He smiles. “Yeah, she is.”

His words drip with pride, and I’m so happy for my buddy.

He found one of the good ones.


Ispend the day in bed, ignoring both my phone and my mother.

I finally brave the outside world when my hunger outweighs my desire for avoidance.

I find everyone in the dining room, noshing on what looks like prime rib, sweet potato casserole, green beans, and buttered yeast rolls.