“You sure about that?”

“Maybe Future. Definitely wine,” she mumbles before disappearing into the inn.

Did she say, maybe future?

“You caught that too, huh?” he asks me.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

One side of his mouth lifts into a half-smile.

“Come on, slacker. Let’s get to work. I promised my girl that we’d be done with this by the end of the week.”

“You did what? Are you crazy?”

“Yep,” he admits.

Bob rallies all the troops. By lunch, our four-man crew has grown to a crew of nine.

We work through the afternoon and right through lunch with Trudy and Trixie coming to our rescue with ham and turkey sandwiches, chips, and lemonade.

I have to leave around four and head to the shop in order to get the glass blown for Marty’s order to ensure I have time to assemble the globes and that they have time to set and be tested before he picks them up on Thursday.

Keller isn’t far behind me.

He has a couple of custom orders to sand and seal before the weekend. We work for several hours. Keller seems uncharacteristically quiet and lost in thought.

The two of us order Chinese delivery for dinner, so we can work through the night.

“So, you and Hannah, huh?” he says between slurping up lo mein noodles.

I shrug. “Don’t ask me any questions, man, because I honestly have no answers for you.”

“I warned you to avoid that,” he reminds me.

“I know.”

“Willa likes the idea of the two of you seeing each other, so she made me promise not to give you shit,” he informs me.

“She does? Cool,” I say.

Somehow, Willa’s approval makes me feel at ease.

“You’re hopeless,” he mutters.

“And it’s annoying how you slurp your food down.”

“They forgot to send forks, and I’m no good with these damn chopsticks. It’s either slurp them or use my fingers. I assumed you’d rather I not do that in case you wanted some.”

I look over at his stained hands and then down into his carton. “Good looking out.”

“Thank you.”

And with that, the discussion about me and Hannah comes to a close. That’s the beauty of male friendships. We don’t have to break down and analyze every single situation. He lets me know that he knows and that he thinks I should tread lightly, and I let him know that I have no expectations—all in under ten sentences.

“Tomorrow evening, I’m gonna need your help. If you’re free, I’ll throw some steaks on the grill,” he says.

Whew, it’s a busy week.