Then, he leans into my ear. “I plan to see how many I can collect before dawn.”


Iwake Hannah by peppering her face with kisses.

“Open your eyes, sleepyhead. I have to get to the inn, and if you want a ride, you’re going to have to get that pretty ass of yours in gear.”

She grabs the pillow beside us and pulls it over her head.

I chuckle as I tug it away.

“You’re not a morning person, are you?”

She opens her eyes and blows a stray piece of hair from her face. “It’s your fault I’m so exhausted,” she grumbles.

“I apologize, ma’am,” I say.

“That doesn’t help one bit,” she snaps.

“You’re welcome to stay here if you want. I can come back and pick you up this evening.”

She raises her arms over her head and stretches, which distracts me from my mission momentarily. Then, she slings the comforter to the side and heaves herself from the bed.

I lie back and watch as she walks, naked, into the bathroom.

That’s a sight a man could get used to.

I force myself to get up and wait for her downstairs before I decide to play hooky for the day.

Once she’s dressed, we load into the Forester and make our way to the inn. I park beside Keller’s truck and glance over at Hannah.

“You gonna be all right, going in there?” I ask.

She rolls her eyes. “I haven’t had to endure a walk of shame since college, but I shall survive the humility with dignity,” she quips.


I exit the vehicle and walk around to open her door. Then, I guide her to the garage door.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

I look up, and she does too.

“Are you serious? I haven’t even brushed my teeth this morning,” she says.

“A rule’s a rule,” I tell her.

She huffs and then bears up on the tips of her toes and lays a long, loud, closed-mouth smack on my lips.

I grab a berry from the branch dangling above us, and we walk side by side to the inn, where Keller and Barry are standing on the veranda.

As Hannah passes them, Keller calls to her, “You look like a truck ran over you. What happened last night?”

“Let’s just say, I got into the Christmas spirit,” she replies.

“Which one—Past, Present, or Future?” he teases.
