I’m not complaining. There are worse ways to spend time than lounging at a luxury resort. I have a great life, but lately, I’ve been stuck in a rut. Every day is the same. Booze, gambling, glitz, and glamour. Dapper men throwing spa days and shopping sprees at their young paramours, so they can spend their days and nights in a dark room, full of sunglasses-wearing, cigar-smoking high rollers. That, and the frat boys losing their money either at the slot machines or the strip club and expelling the rot-gut liquor, which they consumed during a seventy-two-hour drink-a-thon, into the potted plants by the pool as I try to relax.

Hopefully, this time off will be just the reset I need.

He plops the suitcase on the big king-size four-poster bed. “There you go. I’ll let you get settled in.”

“Thank you, Uncle Bob.”

I shut the door behind him and turn to take a good look at my home away from home. The bed looks cozy. There is a little sitting area to the left with a chaise lounge and a side table placed in front of an Amish electric fireplace. A small desk is tucked in the far corner with Gingerbread Inn letterhead and a variety of colored pens. The nightstand to the right of the bed holds a rustic, tall bronze lamp with a holly-print lampshade. Two bottles of water and an ice bucket sit beside the television that is perched upon a beautifully carved live-edge stand.

That must be Keller’s handiwork.

My cousin is the owner of Keller Harris Design Studio. He makes custom hand-carved furniture, and he is a master craftsman.

I unpack my suitcase and hang my clothes in the mini walk-in closet.

I carry my toiletries into the attached bathroom. It has a small glassed shower and a large claw-foot bathtub. A basket wrapped in cellophane rests on a stool next to the tub.

The notecard reads,Hello from our staff. We hope you have a holly, jolly, and relaxing stay. Please enjoy this gift and our sincere gratitude for choosing to spend your holidays with us.

I remove the twist tie, and a whiff of mint and spices escapes. The content of the basket includes a soy gingerbread candle, a mistletoe bath bomb, peppermint lip balm, a lavender body lotion, a bath pillow, a robe, and a pair of memory foam slippers.

How thoughtful. I should totally make these for the bridal suites at the hotel.

Deciding that a long, hot soak is exactly what I need after a day of travel, I turn the water on and let the tub fill while I undress and pull my hair into a topknot.

I place the terry-cloth robe on the bed, grab my phone, and pull up my meditation app. Then, I return to drop the bath bomb into the water and watch as it fizzes and fills the room with a peaceful aroma of cinnamon. I use the provided matches to light the candle and place it on the stool along with one of the bottles of water.

Once the tub is full, I turn off the faucets, pop my earbuds in, and hit play on my iPhone. The sound of a babbling brook fills my ears as I sink into the warm depths.

I close my eyes and let the tranquil water ease my achy, travel-fatigued muscles.


This is definitely what I needed.


Iclimb down the ladder and dismount. Looking up, I inspect the work.

All the windows are pristine and decorated per Willa’s wishes.

The old place is truly a sight to behold. It’s like the house fromHansel and Gretelcome to life.

“I’ve finished this side. I’m going to knock out the front,” I shout.

My friend and business partner, Keller Harris, and I have been working at his girlfriend, Willa Arrington’s, inn for the past two days, power-washing the walkways, cleaning gutters, washing windows, and hanging some additional holiday decorations.

Keller comes around the corner of the inn, toting a string of lights.

“It’s going to be dark soon. Maybe we should call it a night,” he says.

I look up at the sky. Twilight is setting in, and the temperature is beginning to drop.

“The forecast is calling for high winds and more snowfall tomorrow. We don’t have much left to do, and the streetlights are going to come on in about twenty minutes, giving us plenty of light. I say we take advantage of this small window of clear weather and finish it up now.”

He nods his agreement. “Yeah, you might be right.”

At that moment, Willa appears from the terrace, carrying two insulated tumblers.