“The anniversary sculpture?” I guess.

“Nah. That is done. It’s for twenty-five snow globes for Martin Absure.”

“Snow globes?”

“Yeah. I make custom snow globes. Martin is giving them as corporate and employee gifts this year.”

“Really? How do you make snow globes?” I ask, fascinated by the thought.

Hoyt makes his way down the rungs, and Bran releases the panel.

“I carve the design and the base in the size the customer requests, and then I hand-blow the glass for the globe,” he says.

“How do you get the water and snow in it?”

He chuckles. “Tell you what. Why don’t you come by the shop this evening, and I’ll show you?”

“I don’t want to get in the way,” I say.

“You wouldn’t be,” he insists.

“Okay. I’ll see if Uncle Bob will give me a ride when he finishes up here.”

“Sounds good. We’ll grab some dinner.”

“Are you trying to con me into another date?” I ask.

“Nope. I’m flat-out telling you that I’m taking you to dinner. This time, to an actual restaurant.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later,” I agree.

Willa and I spend the afternoon helping Trixie and Alice bake two hundred sugar cookies and make six liters of royal icing for the cookie decorating party at the inn tonight.

“Will you be joining us?” Alice asks as we separate the icing into seven different containers to add coloring.

“Not this time. Bran and I are going to a restaurant for dinner, and I’m not sure what time we’ll be finished.”

“Ooh,” she says.

“Not you too, Alice.”

“That boy is fine, and if I were you, I’d saymerry Christmas to meand enjoy every second with him,” she says out of earshot of the rest of the room.

“He is, isn’t he?”

“Uh-huh, and funny. He’s the whole package in my book.”

“I just don’t want to give him the wrong idea.”

“And what idea would that be? That you’re both attractive, young, and single?”

“That I want anything serious,” I state.

“You live six hundred miles away. I’m pretty sure he’s only looking for a holiday fling.”

“You think so?”

“What else could he want?” she asks.