“Double-fisting. I like it,” Hal says.

I move to the side and open the lid to my beverage and add some milk from the thermos on the counter.

Bran pays, and Hal refills his cup and makes him a second one. Then, he slides in beside me, and without a word, he exchanges my cup for the fresh one, takes my coffee, and walks away.

I wrap my hand around the cup, bring it to my nose, and inhale, and then I take a sip.

Mmm, delectable.


I look up to see Hal grinning at me.

He nods his head in the direction Bran took off in. “Brannigan, he’s a smooth one.”

“Yeah,” I agree.

“You two are cute together.”

I snap my head to him. “Sorry to disappoint you, but we’re just friends.”

“Yep, my Alice and I were just friends once too,” he says.

“Right, but we’re actually just friends,” I clarify.

He leans over the counter. “I’ll tell you a secret. All the best couples start as just friends.”

I open my mouth to protest again, but before I have a chance, he is greeting the next person in line.

I take the cup and go off in search of the girls, and I enjoy every single drop.


“Ican’t believe how much you guys have managed to get done in a week’s time,” I say as I look up at the metal frame rising above the garden at the Gingerbread Inn.

“Hoyt and a few more of Pop’s friends have pitched in,” Keller says.

I raise my splinted wrist. “I should be able to jump in when Doc removes this thing.”

“When do you go back in for an X-ray?” he asks.

“Monday morning.”

“Good. We’ll find something for you to do on the ground,” he teases.

“Ha-ha. That fall was not my fault,” I remind him.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Did you remember the DVD?” I ask.

“It’s in the truck. Willa said we have to wait until the younger kids are put to bed before we start it.”

“There’s nothing inappropriate aboutChristmas Vacation,” I insist.

“Dude, Clark is a perv, who fantasizes about the store clerk in his pool and spies on the couple next door, a cat is killed, they curse, and Cousin Eddie is Cousin Eddie.”

I wave him off. “That’s nothing. Kids nowadays see more than that while watching network television shows.”