“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Blind, but fine,” I groan.

“Jeez, for a big man, you’re so fragile,” she teases.

I move in and pin her against the counter, trapping her by placing my hands on either side of her.

“I can’t help that I’m too dazzled by you to prepare for your sneak attacks.”


“Yeah, I like it. I like you.”

“You don’t even know me,” she says.

I lean in, and her eyes flutter shut as I whisper in her ear, “That’s half the fun.”

I take a step back, and she opens her eyes.

“Come on. Let’s get these in the oven,” I say as I grab one of the pans and head toward the fireplace.

“That last slice is all you. I’m stuffed.”

I finished my pizza and the remainder of her pepperoni, red onion, mushroom, and black olive pie is sitting on the coffee table along with the empty Pinot bottle.

I reach over, snatch the slice from the plate, fold it over, and take a huge bite.

She laughs.

“You were waiting for me to pass, huh?”

I swallow and turn to her.

“A gentleman never takes the last slice without permission.”

She yawns, and I look over to see that it’s almost midnight.

“I’d better get you back to the inn. I promised your mom I’d have you back by curfew.”

I finish the pizza and wash it down with water before wiping my hands clean and standing. I offer her my hand, and she lets me tug her to her feet. Then, I help her with her coat before pulling mine on while she waits by the door.

“Hannah,” I call to get her attention.

She turns to me, and I point toward the beam above her head.

She looks up. “Mistletoe.”

“Mistletoe,” I confirm.

“I thought it was red and green,” she says.

“No, red berries mean holly branches. White berries mean mistletoe. It’s a common mistake. People often use holly with mistletoe to create the magical kissing balls.”

“I’ve never understood what people find so magical about a weed,” she muses.


She brings her eyes to mine. “Yeah, mistletoe is known as the tree thief. It’s a parasite that feeds off the nutrients of the tree it attaches itself to. Overtaking the mighty oak until it takes all the tree has to give.”

I look back up. “Sounds about right. It’s kind of like love. Once it attaches itself to you, it’s all-consuming.”