Page 6 of Beautiful Agony

“I will. I’m just tired,” she says and I smile. I’m giddy inside knowing that I’ve worn her out. She will soon learn that I’m a sex maniac and I have to have it when I want it.


We just sat down at a booth in the back of the restaurant and our waitress approaches our table. I love eating here because the service and food is awesome. It also was my mother’s place to eat and where my parents first met. I’m keeping my mother’s memory alive by keeping this place dear to my heart.

“What would you like to drink, and are you ready to order?” Michelle asks. She is my usual waitress when I come in here.

“The usual on the drink,” I tell her and she writes it down on her pad

“I will take a coffee. I have already eaten so no food for me,” Brant says and she nods, striding away.

“What are you thinking about over there?”

“My mom. This was her favorite place to eat.”

“I’m sorry about your mom, baby,” he says and takes my hands in his across the table. How could my father kill my mom? I thought they were happy with each other. Goes to show you never know people.

“Thank you,” I say as tears fall down my face.

“Here are your drinks. Ready to order, Trinity?”

“Give me the two egg breakfast with bacon, hash browns, and toast,” I tell her and she writes it down then leaves again. I couldn’t be a waitress because of how clumsy I am at times.

“I want to take you somewhere after you eat.”


“I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise,” he says and I smile. He is slowly showing me that some vampires aren’t like my dad says they are.

“Okay.” Our waitress lays my plate of food on the table in front of me. It smells delicious and my stomach rumbles again. I can’t wait to see where he wants to take me. No other man in my life has ever treated me like this; like I matter to them. Not even my father. It was always “kill this vampire” or “track down this one.” Those days are over, and I can’t wait to start my life with my sexy man.


We left the restaurant a half hour ago and now we are headed out of town. I have a ranch in the next town over in Cedar Hollow. I think some time away will help her and we can have some alone time. I have horses if she likes to ride, a beautiful lake for swimming, and a hot tub for late night fun. I haven’t been back for almost four months and have friends who take care of the place while I’m gone.

“How much longer?”

“Another half hour. Get a little rest and I will wake you when we get there,” I tell her and she lays her head back on the seat and closes her eyes. I return my attention back to the road and think about my plan of action once we find her ex. Some men just can’t take no for an answer and use manipulation tactics to keep women at bay, and that’s not how I work. Men like that need to be taught a lesson, and that’s exactly what he’s going to get. It is my job as her mate to protect her from harm.

“I can hear you thinking,” I hear and turn my head to see Trinity staring at me.

“You are supposed to be sleeping, beautiful.”

“I tried. I am too excited,” she says, a beaming smile on her beautiful face.

“I love it when you smile. I want you to be happy all the time.”

“I am, Brant. You are the best thing in my life since my mom passed away,” she says and I take her hand in mine. This beautiful, broken woman is mine to cherish and love for the rest of our lives. Since we mated, her life span slows down to match mine. That way I am not losing her way too early.

“You’re the best thing in my life ever. I love you.”

“You really love me?”

“Yes, I do.”

“I love you, too,” she says and snuggles up to me. I put my arm around her and she closes her eyes. We have about twenty minutes before we are there and I can start showing her exactly what she means to me.
