"Yes, Master." Ian turned to Toni. "Anything else?" "Call off the police," she whispered.

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Ian extended his arm again. "Ye'll cease yer search for Sabrina and Teddy. Ye'll tell the police it was all a mistake. Ye'll fill out the proper release forms. Ye'll never gamble again. And ye'll pay off yer debts, using yer own resources."

Proctor nodded. "Yes, Master."

Ian jumped down from the desk to stand beside the doctor. "Ye'll tell no one about this night. I know how to find you, Joseph Proctor." "Yes, Master." "Are you done?" Carlos asked at the entrance, his arms full of Bri's belongings. The maid looked curiously at Ian. "One more thing." Ian turned to Proctor. "Ye will treat yer maid with respect." He laid his hand on

Proctor's head, and the doctor slumped into a deep sleep. "Thank you, se.or." Maria crossed herself, then led them to the back door. "Is Sabrina okay?" "Yes," Toni told her. "Thank you for your help." "Gracias." Carlos kissed the maid's cheek. Maria giggled as she shut the door. "You were wonderful!" Toni hugged Ian. "Thank you." He smiled and kissed her brow. "Get a room," Carlos muttered as he strode to his car. He dumped Bri's stuff in the trunk. Ian held Toni's hand as they walked back to Carlos's car. "Zoltan and Jack will be arriving before

dawn. There's no' enough room for everyone at Romatech, so we'll go back to the townhouse for our death-sleep."

"Are you sure it'll be safe there?" Toni asked. "It'll be safe during the day," Ian answered. "The Malcontents will be as dead as we are. And Howard will spend the day there. Carlos, too."

"All right." Toni stopped next to Carlos's Jaguar. "Coming with us, Dracula?" "I'll see you later, sweetheart." He vanished.

But she didn't see him later. After Carlos drove her back to Romatech, and they told Sabrina and Teddy the good news, Bri immediately wanted to go home and see Vanderkitty. Then, with everyone at Toni's and Bri's apartment, they ordered in Chinese food and celebrated.

Howard had asked Carlos to start his security job right away, so Carlos packed some clothes to take to the townhouse. Toni packed some more of hers. She was nervous about leaving Bri alone, so Teddy offered to stay overnight at the apartment.

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It was ten P.M. by the time Carlos and Toni arrived at Roman Draganesti's townhouse on the Upper East Side, and it took thirty more minutes for Carlos to inspect and admire each room. He chose the bedroom next to Toni's for his own.

"This is perfect for me, menina." He ran his hand appreciatively over the bed's wood and wrought -iron footboard. "I love this Spanish decor."

"I believe the room belonged to a medieval Spanish lady named Maria Consuela," Toni said.

"What happened to her?" Carlos hefted his suitcase onto the red velvet bedspread.

Toni tried to remember what Dougal had told her about the former harem when she'd moved in more than a week ago. She'd been so insulted by the idea of a harem that she'd tuned out half of what he'd said. "My room belonged to some medieval chick called Princess Joanna. She and Maria Consuela weren't too thrilled about being co-owners of the Horny Devils, so they sold their shares to Vanda and moved back to Europe. London, I think."

Carlos unzipped his suitcase and began removing clothes. "I have to thank you, girlfriend. This is the best possible job for me. Howard said they'll work around my remaining classes so I can finish my master's."

"That's great." Toni eyed the pile of bikini underwear Carlos had piled up. One was spotted like a leopard, and another was striped like a tiger.

"And they'll work around my research trips, too. I would never find another employer that understanding."

"Well, the Vamps know how much they need mortals they can trust." Not that Carlos was entirely mortal. Carlos Panterra. Toni mentally slapped herself on the brow. She should have known. She winced when he set another item on the bed. Good grief. Those were the biggest nail clippers she'd ever seen.

"It's just so wonderful, menina. I've always had to keep my secret...well, secret, you know. But with this job, I am free to be myself. In fact, being a shape shifter actually adds to my value. And I've found a home for my orphans."

Toni smiled. "I'm very happy for them. And you."

Carlos skirted the bed and hugged her. "Thank you so much."

"Thank you, Carlos. You've always been a great friend." She resisted the urge to pet him behind the ears. The guy was practically purring. "I'll let you settle in. We have to be up before sunrise, you know." She moved toward the door.

He grabbed a stack of clothes and headed for the dark, ornately carved wooden dresser. "What are you going to do, menina? Will you stay with Ian or go back to Sabrina?"

That was the question of the day. Toni fingered the heart pendant on her chest. "I'm hoping that it won't be an either/or situation. That Sabrina will come around in time."

Carlos nodded. "Sometimes you must dare to believe."

Toni went to her bedroom, repeating those words to herself. Dare to believe. She loved Bri, and she loved Ian. She had to believe it would all work out.

She overslept in the morning, and didn't wake until she heard Carlos banging on her door.

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"I'll be right down," she called out. Damn, damn, damn. She hated these early mornings. She rushed through her shower and threw on her uniform. She was hurrying down the stairs, pulling her damp ponytail through a scrunchie, when she spotted Zoltan Czakvar and Giacomo di Venezia, aka Jack, coming up the stairs.

"Bellissima, you are as lovely as ever." Jack bowed. Boy was he full of it. Toni appreciated the compliment, but she knew her male uniform was baggy

and ugly, and she was wearing very little makeup. "You guys retiring for the night--I mean, day?" "Yes. We'll be in guest rooms on the fourth floor," Zoltan said. Between his yawn and his

Hungarian accent, he was hard to understand. "Bellissima, will you check on me personally?" Jack's brown eyes twinkled. "If you like. Sure." "Molto bene. Ciao, bellissima." Jack started up another flight of stairs. Zoltan trudged behind him. "You're planning to sleep in the nude, aren't you?" Jack chuckled. Toni rolled her eyes, then ran down the stairs. Hopefully, Ian was still awake. In the foyer, she met

Dougal and Phineas heading down to the basement. Phineas yawned. "Good night, sweetness." "Good night. Or morning." These guys were confusing her. "Have you seen Ian?" "Already gone to bed." Dougal shut the cellar door behind him. Too late. Dammit. It was hard having a boyfriend on the graveyard shift. She trudged into the

kitchen. "Good morning." Howard sat smiling at the kitchen table, munching on a bear claw. Doughnuts, again? If she kept eating those, she'd be as big as a bear. She noticed Carlos was

spooning something from a bowl into his mouth. It looked a bit healthier. "What are you eating? Meow Mix?" Howard snorted with laughter, while Carlos gave her a bland look. Toni smiled sweetly. "I hear they have a new anti-hairball formula." "It's cereal." Carlos showed her the box. "Hmm, Special K for kitties? Can I have some?" She fetched a bowl.

"If you'll stop being catty," Carlos grumbled. "Sorry." She patted him on the head. She knew she was being ornery. She was just so disappointed about not seeing Ian. It would be a long, long time till sundown.

After breakfast, she offered to go check on him. "Is he on the fifth floor?"

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"Yes." Howard finished his cup of tea. With extra honey, no doubt. "What do you say, Carlos? Are you up to a martial arts session? I want to see how well you can fight."

"You're on." Carlos and Howard headed down the basement stairs, while Toni started the long climb to the fifth floor.

She was breathing a bit heavily by the time she reached the fifth-floor office. The room was dark, the aluminum shutters closed. An empty blood bottle sat in the sink at the wet bar. Ian must have had a snack before going to bed.

She opened the double doors leading into the bedroom. Light spilled from the partially closed bathroom.

"You left the light on. Shame on you." She approached the left side of the bed.

Ian was lying there in his white T-shirt and plaid flannel pajama bottoms. He'd folded back the tan suede comforter to lie on the cool cotton sheets. His black hair was loose from its leather thong and made a dramatic contrast to the white pillowcase.