then come back for me." Bri glanced at the back door. "We can't get out that way. It's locked." "Ian can get you out." Toni removed her jacket and put it on Bri. "It's cold outside." "Sabrina, do you have visitors?" A male patient shuffled toward them. His Batman pajamas were

faded to a dull gray, but the gold bat on his chest still gleamed. "Hi, Teddy," Bri answered. Ian groaned. "I'm going to escape," Bri announced, then giggled. Ian stepped close to Toni and whispered, "Keep him quiet. When I come back for you, I'll erase

his memory." "Okay." Toni buttoned up her jacket on Bri. "Don't be afraid. You can trust Ian."

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Sabrina startled when Ian wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "What are you--" She vanished, along with Ian. Teddy gasped. "Oh my God!" "Not so loud," Toni whispered. "I can explain." "He's a superhero!" Teddy exclaimed. "He rescued her with his superpowers!" "Teddy, are you out of bed again?" a male voice boomed in the distance. "Aw shoot, it's Bradley," Teddy muttered. "I wouldn't have to roam around if he wasn't so--" Toni grabbed Teddy by the shoulders. "Don't tell him Sabrina escaped. Do you understand?" He blinked. "Okay." Toni ran into Sabrina's room, climbed into bed, and covered herself up to her ears. "Teddy, what are you doing out of bed?" Bradley's voice sounded closer. "I--I saw a superhero! He was just here, and then poof! He vanished." "You are crazier than hell," Bradley muttered. "Get back to your room." "I'm not crazy," Teddy mumbled. His shuffling footsteps grew dim. Toni exhaled with relief. Sabrina's escape was still a secret. She froze when she heard a sound.

Was Ian back so soon? Her skin prickled as all her senses went on alert. Something was wrong. Footsteps approached her bed. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Sabrina," Bradley whispered and stroked her hair. Bile rose in Toni's throat. Oh God, she wanted to leap out of bed and slam a fist down his throat. But she didn't dare. She couldn't let him know that Bri had escaped. She needed to buy some time to give them a chance to get away.

She swallowed hard. Was this why Bri had called her a creep earlier? Bradley must have touched her before while she was groggy on medication. "Sabrina," Bradley whispered again.

There was a dull thud, and a body fell on top of her. Toni scrambled out of bed and away from Bradley's body. He was sprawled across the bed, unconscious.

Teddy stood there, holding a thick book. "I don't like him. He's a bad man." "Thank you, Teddy." He smiled sheepishly. "I haven't been taking my meds. I knew I needed to watch that creep." Ian zoomed into the room, and his gaze fell on the unconscious nurse. "What happened?" "It's a long story," Toni said. "But Teddy saved me from being molested."

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Ian stepped toward Bradley. "This man was taking advantage of the women here?" "He's been trying to," Teddy said. "That's why I roam the hall at night." "Bastard." Ian placed a hand on Bradley's head. "There. He'll sleep till morning. Let him explain

his presence here in Sabrina's bed." "Cool," Teddy whispered. "You have some kick-ass superpowers, man. What's your name?" "Ian." Teddy frowned. "Dude, you gotta get a better name than that. And you need a cape." Ian chuckled. "Like a vampire cape? I have one of those somewhere." "That would be awesome, man." Ian approached Teddy. "I have to erase yer memory now." Teddy stepped back. "No! This is the coolest thing that's happened to me in ages. I want to

remember it."

"Ian." Toni gave him a pleading look. She understood how Teddy felt. She didn't want to lose her memory, either. "Toni, he knows we helped Sabrina escape." "Take me with you," Teddy begged. "Nay." Ian shook his head. "Seriously, dude. If you take me with you, then I can't tell anyone what you did. Not that I would,

but they might try to hypnotize me or something. I'm not really crazy, you know. I was just depressed, 'cause I didn't have anything to look forward to, but with you guys, I could be really happy."

Ian hesitated. "Once ye know our secrets, there is no going back." "Cool." Ian frowned. "You must understand the danger of being with us. We are at war with some evil

creatures." Teddy shook his fist. "Awesome!" Ian gave Toni a questioning glance. She shrugged. "Teddy, do you know what you're doing?" "I'm not stupid," he grumbled. "I was head of the math department at St. Bartholomew's

Academy." "Ye're a teacher?" Ian asked. "Yes." Teddy eyed them warily. "Does that mean I'm not cool enough to hang out with


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"Actually, I think ye're exactly what we need." Ian motioned for him to follow. "Come." "Cool." Teddy followed him into the hall. "Are we beaming up to the mother ship?" Toni peeked out the door and saw them teleport away. Beam me up, Scotty. She wondered why

Ian was interested in Teddy's teaching background. And while Teddy certainly had good credentials, he seemed a little shaky on reality. She didn't want to find fault with him, though, not when he'd saved her from the perverted nurse.

Bradley had fallen across the bed sideways. She tugged at his body to align him better with the

bed. She noted Bri's belongings on the open shelves. Two sets of clothes and another set of pajamas. She slipped on Bri's jacket, then spotted some underwear on the shelf.

She glanced at Bradley, and inspiration struck. She grabbed a pair of Bri's panties, then stuffed them into Bradley's hand. Then she took one of Bri's bras and fastened it around his head like a cap. Let him try to explain that in the morning.

Ian zipped into the room. "I think Teddy's a bit disappointed to be sitting in a car instead of a spaceship." He eyed the nurse. "That's interesting." "I like it." Toni gathered up the rest of Bri's belongings. "Shall we go?"

Ian smiled. "There's never a dull moment with you, Toni." He teleported her to the parking lot. Toni opened the Jaguar's passenger door and peered inside. Teddy was squashed into the tiny backseat with Sabrina. She leaned against him, her eyes droopy with medication.

"Bri, Carlos is going to take you to a hotel where you can rest," Toni told her. Bri blinked at her. "I thought I was in bed. How did I get here?" "You'll be fine," Toni insisted. "You just need some rest. I'll come see you tomorrow." "No." Bri struggled to sit up. "Don't leave me." Her face crumpled. "I think I'm going crazy. I

don't know how I got here." Toni winced. "All right. I'll come with you. Just a minute." "We have to hurry, menina," Carlos warned her. Ian touched her shoulder. "It's all right. Go with yer friend. Ye can call me later, and I'll teleport

over to bring you home." She threw her arms around him and kissed him. "How can I ever thank you?" His mouth twitched. "I'll think of something. I'll see you later." He stepped back and vanished. Toni climbed into the Jaguar. "Let's go." "Were you kissing that man, Toni?" Sabrina asked. "Sure she was," Teddy replied. "The superheroes always get the girl."

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Jedrek sat at his desk, studying the photo of Roman Draganesti and his family. How could a man be so smart and stupid at the same time? His Stay-Awake drug was fantastic. But the idiot had used the drug so he could babysit? If the moron had any sense at all, he would give the drug to his Highlander thugs, and they would spend the daytime killing their enemies who rested helplessly in their death-sleep.

It could happen. Jedrek had ordered twice as many daytime guards. But as tough as the Russian mafia guys were, he didn't like depending on them for safety.

What he needed was that damned drug. Then he could spend a few days killing Vamps. He thumbed through the stack of photos, relishing the thought of staking them all. MacKay and his wife. Buchanan. MacPhie.

"Master?" Yuri entered the office, followed by Stanislav. "You wanted to see us?"

"We need to plan our next move," Jedrek announced.

"They're having their Christmas Ball tomorrow night at Romatech," Stanislav suggested.