paper. "I brought the plans, so we can go over everything. We're doing it tonight, right?" "Yes." At least she hoped Ian would agree to do it tonight. Carlos motioned toward a duffel bag. "I packed some clothes and shoes for Sabrina. And some
rope and duct tape, just in case." "Good." She wondered once again if Carlos was more than an anthropology student. He shut the trunk and walked with her to the front door. "Are you safe here?" "I think so. The Vamps feel secure enough that they're having their big Christmas Ball tomorrow
night." "Partying in the face of danger? I think I like your Vamps." Carlos grinned as he opened the door.
He entered, and his smile immediately faded. He sniffed, and a wary look crossed his face. "Careful." He held out an arm to block her entrance. "What's wrong?" "Danger," he whispered.
Chapter Eighteen
"Carlos." Toni peeked around his broad shoulders. "There's nothing wrong."
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"Who is that?" he whispered, motioning with his head toward the large man at the far end of the foyer.
"That's my supervisor, Howard," Toni whispered back. Howard suddenly stiffened and turned to face them. His nostrils flared as his gaze riveted on Carlos. He limped forward. "You are Carlos?"
"Yes." Carlos watched Howard carefully.
"I'm Howard Barr. Can we have a word in private, please?" He motioned toward the security office. Carlos nodded and strode down the hall with him. What the hell? Toni inched forward so she could see the two men disappear into the security
office. Was Howard g*y? Though she could have sworn their reaction to each other had been one
of suspicion, not attraction. She wandered down the hall toward the security office. Sheesh, she didn't dare barge in on them. Her attention was momentarily snagged by the mysterious locked room across from the nursery. She tried the doorknob, but no luck.
She waited awhile, then the security office door opened. Carlos exited with a perplexed look on his face.
"Are you okay?" she asked. "Yes." He strode toward her, carrying his laptop and roll of paper. "Something very strange just happened."
Toni winced. "You don't have to tell me." "Howard just offered me a job." "What? You would work as a day guard like me?" Carlos nodded. "I happen to have some...skills that are highly valued at MacKay Security and
Investigation." "Like martial arts?" "That, too." Carlos ran a hand through his long black hair. "I warned Howard that I've always
been a wanderer, but he said they had clients all over the world who needed guarding, and I could transfer from one place to another."
"Did he tell you about the Vamps?" Toni whispered. "No, he called them clients. I'm going to consider it. The pay is excellent, and I have a lot of expenses."
"That's true." Toni knew Carlos was supporting a few orphans in Brazil. It was one of the things that had first attracted her and Sabrina to him. He was also paying for his education and research trips to South America and Malaysia. "Howard's a nice boss. He used to be a defensive lineman for the NFL, but he's as sweet as a teddy bear."
Carlos gave her a sharp look. "Yeah, I noticed. So where can we discuss the plans for Sabrina?"
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Toni led him down the hall till she spotted a room labeled Conference. She peeked inside and
flipped on the light. "This will do." Carlos strode into the room and went straight to work, setting up his laptop, then spreading out the roll of white paper. "I drew the layout for Shady Oaks, so Ian will know exactly where to teleport." He tapped his finger on a rectangle labeled Ward Three.
Toni leaned over to study the map. "This is very good." Carlos would make an excellent employee
for MacKay Security and Investigation. "Menina, I know I've been teasing you about Ian, but I'm wondering if it's wise to get involved with him. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, but he is a vampire."
"He wouldn't bite me." Toni blushed as memories of last night's glorious kiss filled her mind. "At
least, not for food." Carlos frowned. "After we rescue Sabrina, you should quit your job here and forget these vampires exist."
"That would be rather rude, don't you think? To just use Ian for his super abilities, then tell him adiós. And how can you tell me to quit when you're planning to work here?"
"You have special plans with Sabrina. I don't. And the truth of the matter is Ian is not your kind." She planted her hands on her hips. "I'm surprised at you, Carlos. I would expect you, of all people, to be more understanding and tolerant."
"I am tolerant of anything two humans want to do with each other, but he's not exactly human." "He's more human than anyone I know. And I love him." "You've known him exactly a week." "And a hell of a lot has happened in that time." Toni pressed a hand to her chest. "I'm becoming a
different person now. I feel like I'm finally growing into a whole person--one who's capable, strong, and worthy. I'm not a wounded child anymore. And I like what's happening to me. I'm not going to give it up."
"All right, then." Carlos touched her shoulder. "I'm very happy for you."
She gave him a hug, then wandered to the window to peek out the blinds. "The sun has set. I'll go get Ian." "Okay. And change clothes. Dress all in black." Carlos moved to his laptop. "Give me your cell
phone." "Why?" She removed it from the pocket of her khaki pants. "Because you need a new ringtone." He took her phone. "Love is no longer a battlefield for you." "Put on something nice," she warned him, then left to find Ian. He was in the silver room, still in his pajamas, finishing his breakfast. She grinned at him. "I got your note. Thank you for helping us." She rummaged through her
suitcase and found some black cargo pants. "Carlos wants us to dress in black."
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Ian's eyebrows rose. "Are we doing it tonight?" "Yes. Is that all right?" "Aye." Ian set his empty bottle in the sink. "I should stay here most of the night in case Jedrek
tries something, but it shouldna take long to teleport yer friend out."
She located a black T-shirt, but unfortunately it had bright white letters on the front. Am I Crazy or What? She showed it to Ian. "The perfect shirt for breaking into a mental institution." He chuckled. "Ye do want to be properly dressed for every occasion." His face grew more serious.
"I'm sorry for the way I reacted last night." "There's no need to apologize. I was wrong to ever consider telling your secret." His eyes gleamed. "Ye've gone to amazing lengths to help yer friend. Ye've survived a brutal
attack, ye've taken a job with the Undead, and ye're about to do some serious breaking and
entering. That kind of loyalty is verra rare." Her eyes grew misty as her heart swelled with love. "You tell me the loveliest things." He made her realize how worthy she truly was.
He glanced at the surveillance camera, then motioned with his head to the bathroom. "Ye need to
change clothes?" "Right." Toni gathered up her black clothes and dashed into the bathroom. She gasped when Ian followed her in and shut the door. "What--?"
He pulled her into his arms and planted his mouth on hers. Her clothes tumbled to the floor as she
melted into his kiss. He suckled her bottom lip, then nibbled kisses down her neck. "Did ye need help getting out of yer clothes?"
"You rascal." She slid her fingers into his soft hair.
He tugged her navy polo shirt up and slipped his hands underneath. "I want you." He surveyed the tiny bathroom with his red, glowing eyes. "This is...a challenge." "Ian." She placed her hands on his cheeks. "We don't have time right now. And I don't really
want a quickie in the bathroom." His mouth curled up. "No' verra romantic, huh?" She grinned. "I think you're very romantic, but Carlos is waiting upstairs, and we have a job to
do." "I understand." He kissed her quickly on the mouth, then exited the room. She changed clothes, then found him in the kitchen pulling a black sweater over his head. He had
on black leather pants and looked deliciously naughty. She almost called him back into the