grandmother die." He hadn't expected that. "It must have been an accident." "I didn't mean for it to happen." Tears streamed down her face. He couldn't take it, so he pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back. "What happened?" "I was in middle school, and by then, my grandmother's health wasn't very good. I learned to do

the chores. And I was used to getting myself up in the morning, and fixing my lunch, and catching the bus. I always hugged Grandma before I left."

Ian could see that Toni had learned to be strong and independent at a young age. "One night, Grandma was having trouble sleeping. I could hear her up a lot. But that morning, when I came in to say good-bye, she was sleeping well. I didn't want to wake her, so I went on to school. But when I came home that afternoon, she was still there." Toni stepped back and grabbed a napkin off the table to wipe her face, but the tears kept coming. "She died while I was gone."

"Sweetheart, she died naturally. It wasna yer fault." "But I knew she'd been sick the night before. I keep thinking about what I should have done differently. If I had called 911 that morning, she might have lived. Even my mother said I'd done

a lousy job of taking care of her. She wouldn't let me live with them after Grandma died. She sent me to a boarding school." Ian winced. "Lass, I doona mean to offend, but yer mother is a bloomin' arse." Toni blinked.

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Apparently his observation had taken her by surprise. "Ye can believe me. I'm a bit of an expert when it comes to mums. I was fifteen when I was transformed. I thought I could go back home, but my mum wouldna accept me."

Toni's red-rimmed eyes widened. "Why not?"

"Och, how did she put it? I was a monstrous creature from hell. She feared if I got a wee peckish, I might slaughter my younger brothers and sisters." "That's ridiculous! Anyone who knows you would know you could never hurt someone you

love." Her declaration filled his heart. And the way her eyes flashed with angry indignation, he thought

he'd never seen a woman more beautiful. "I appreciate yer faith in me." He stepped closer. "Are ye all right now?" She blew her nose in the napkin. "I think so. I'm really sorry about this. I've been an emotional

wreck lately, and you keep seeing me at my worst." "Nay, I think ye're at yer best." She gave him a dubious look. "With my watery eyes and red nose?" He wanted to kiss her watery eyes and red nose. "Actually, I was referring to yer compassionate heart." She snorted. "I'm not feeling very compassionate. I was just thinking that your mom was a

bloomin' arse." He chuckled. "At least we both survived." "You know, when I first met you, I thought we were totally different. Alive, dead." She motioned

to herself, then him. "Modern, old-fashioned. Intelligent, not so intelligent." "Excuse me?" She grinned. "I'm kidding. But I was wrong. We actually have a lot in common." "Ye mean our heartless mothers?" "More than that. We share the same worries and fears. That we're not worthy. That we'll fail

someone we love." Her face grew sad again.

He touched her face and smoothed his thumb over her damp cheek. "Ye have more deep, dark secrets to tell me?" "I'm afraid so." "Och, ye're so deep." "And dark." She smiled. "Thank you. I feel a lot better now." "Will ye tell me yer full name?" She winced. "That's too dark."

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"Lass, it canna be that bad." He touched her other cheek, so her face was cradled in his hands. He could hear her heart racing. He moved closer.

She didn't back away. He dragged his thumb along her jaw. Her mouth opened slightly, and she licked her lips. Ah, he wanted to feel that. He slid his thumb over her bottom lip, gliding over the moisture. She drew in a sharp breath.

"Your eyes are red again," she whispered. "I know." He moved closer till his chest was grazing hers. Her gaze drifted down to his mouth. The napkin fell from her hand and fluttered to the floor.

Slowly she raised a hand, then touched the dent in his chin.

It was simple movement, but he interpreted it as permission. She'd pushed the yes button, and that was all that mattered. To hell with the rules, to hell with reason. He held her face and kissed her lightly once, twice. She leaned toward him, and his passion broke

loose with a wild, devouring kiss. He pulled her close, one hand at the back of her neck, the other at her waist. He pulled her so close, her feet came off the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

A hunger he'd kept restrained for nights was unleashed. He couldn't taste her enough. Her lips, her tongue. He explored her mouth and nibbled her lips. She was sweet; she was trembling; she was clutching him tight. And he wanted more. It felt like he'd wanted her for centuries.

He trailed kisses down her neck, then tickled her with his tongue on a path to her ear. She shivered. "Toni," he whispered, then drew her earlobe into his mouth.

She moaned and ran her fingers into his hair. "Ian." He smoothed his hands down her back, then cupped her bottom and gently squeezed. He was returning to her mouth for more kissing when he heard someone clearing his throat.

He froze. Froze with his hands planted firmly on Toni's rump. This was bad. He glanced over his shoulder. Connor stood in the doorway. He'd averted his face, but his jaw was shifting as he ground his teeth.

Ian released Toni and stepped back. She glanced at him, then at Connor, her eyes wide. Ian cleared his throat. "This was my fault. I take full responsibility for it." "No," Toni whispered and shook her head. "I'll have a word with you in private, Ian." Connor turned and strode down the hall. He tried to give Toni a reassuring smile. "I'll be right back." She didn't look very reassured. He hurried into the hallway to catch up with Connor. Halfway to the foyer, Connor opened a door to a conference room. "This will do."

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Ian glanced back. People were leaving the chapel and wandering into the refreshment room. He hoped Toni would be all right.

"Close the door behind you," Connor said quietly as he marched to the end of a long conference table.

Ian shut the door. "I will ask ye no' to reprimand Toni. I instigated the...incident, and I take full responsibility for it."

"How noble. I wouldna expect less from you." Connor stopped at the head of the table and rested a hand on the back of a chair. "But I wasna born yesterday. 'Twas quite obvious that she was no' being forced."

A thrill shot through Ian, and he stifled a grin. It was true--she had been willing. More than willing. She'd kissed him back. She'd moaned with pleasure. She wanted him. And he wanted to shout with joy.

"She willfully broke the rules." Connor rubbed his brow. "I have no choice but to fire her."

"No!" Ian walked toward him. "She was crying when I found her. She was verra upset, and I took advantage."

"Ian." Connor regarded him sternly. "What has come over you lately? Ye've been back less than a week, and ye have a mob of females hounding you. Hundreds of phone calls and e-mails. Women camped out on the sidewalk. I heard ye dated fifty ladies in one night, and then there was that interview."

"Things have gotten a little out of control, but--"

"More than a little!" Connor's eyes flashed with anger. "Is it no' enough to have hundreds of women throwing themselves at you? Why would ye seduce the one woman ye canna have? Is it because she is forbidden?"

"Nay. I guarded Roman's harem for fifty years. I never misbehaved with any of them. Toni is... different. Special."

"Unemployed," Connor added wryly.

"Ye canna fire her. We need her."

"Dammit, Ian." Connor pounded a fist on the back of the chair. "How can ye expect me to ignore the rules?"

Ian took a deep breath. He had to come up with something fast, or Connor could be erasing her memory tonight. "What if the Malcontents already know she's working for us? If we fire her and erase her memory, she would be totally defenseless against an attack."

Connor frowned. "Ye make a good point, but 'tis based on an assumption."

"We canna gamble with her life. She's been doing an excellent job for us, and she can still do it. I willna interfere with her duties."