Ian charged into the office, headed straight for Jedrek. The assassin glanced up and reached for the sword he'd left on the desk. Ian was already swinging his sword down for a killing blow when Jedrek teleported away.

Ian's sword ripped through an empty office chair. "Bloody hell." He spun to see if Jedrek had materialized behind him.

He hadn't. The Russian coven master reappeared in the bedroom next to his two followers. Ian moved toward them while Dougal and Phineas flanked him.

"Just the man I was looking for," Jedrek sneered. "Stasio, Yuri, take the man in the middle."

The two Malcontents lunged toward Ian, but Dougal and Phineas jumped in front, and each engaged in battle. Ian cursed inwardly at being treated like a helpless pup. He headed for Jedrek, but the coward vanished once again.

Ian whirled just as Jedrek's hand gripped his arm from behind. A dizzying sensation stole over him, and he realized Jedrek was attempting to teleport away with him. He slashed his sword down onto Jedrek's arm, and the man yelped in pain just before disappearing completely.

"You coward!" Ian shouted at the now empty space. A cry of pain drew Ian's attention back to the sword fights. Phineas had sliced his opponent's torso. The Russian stumbled back, and Phineas stabbed him in the chest. The Russian turned gray, then crumbled into a pile of dust on the floor.

The second Russian shouted in anger, then teleported away, leaving Dougal cursing in his wake. "I did it!" Phineas lifted his sword in the air. "Did you see that? I was a killing machine!" Dougal slapped him on the back. "Yer first kill. Congratulations."

Phineas raised his hand to give them both a high five. "Oh yeah, Dr. Phang strikes again!"

Ian smiled wearily. After a few centuries of killing Malcontents, he no longer felt the thrill. He strode back to the desk and turned off the alarm. "Jedrek was injured. I doona think he'll try anything else tonight. Let's go back to Romatech."

Roman and his family would be safe for the time being. And so would Toni.

As soon as Jedrek Janow materialized in his Brooklyn office, he felt the pain of his slashed arm. He dropped his sword on the floor and clasped a hand over the wound. Blood seeped through his fingers and dripped onto the expensive Turkish rug. "Damn."

"Sir, you're bleeding," the guard at his door said.

"Brilliant observation, moron," Jedrek growled. "Get Nadia in here now."

"Yes, Master." The guard zoomed away.

Jedrek pulled his ripped and bloody sweater off and tossed it in the litter bin.

The guard returned with Nadia in tow. She hovered by the doorway, refusing to look at him. He knew she was angry. She hadn't enjoyed killing the blonde. "Bring bandages. You will bind my wound."

She lifted her chin defiantly. "Your wound will heal during your death-sleep."

"That's five hours from now, bitch. Bring the bandages now."

She trudged off. Still too much spirit, but he would break her soon.

"You." He glared at the guard. The guy's name was Stanislav, but Jedrek didn't like to call people by their names. It made them think that somehow you liked them. "Give me your shirt."

"Yes, Master." Stanislav unbuttoned his white shirt.

Meanwhile, a form wavered, then solidified by the desk. It was Yuri. He sheathed his sword and avoided looking at Jedrek.

"Where's Stasio?" Jedrek demanded.

"He--he's dead," Yuri whispered.

"Then he should have fought better." Jedrek grabbed the shirt Stanislav offered and wrapped it around the cut on his forearm. The white cotton turned red with blood. "Who killed him? Was it one of those damned Scotsmen?"

"No," Yuri replied. "It was the black vampire."

"Black?" Stanislav asked. "I wonder..."

"Out with it," Jedrek growled.

"There was a black guy in our coven for a while," Stanislav explained. "Phineas McKinney. Alek transformed him because he was a drug dealer, and Katya needed his help to make Nightshade."

Unfortunately, the now-deceased Katya had used up all the Nightshade in her failed attempt to deliver Angus MacKay to Casimir. Jedrek had hoped to find some of the drug here in the office, but no such luck. "Where is this Phineas? If I'd had some Nightshade tonight, I could have paralyzed Ian MacPhie and brought him back."

"I haven't seen Phineas in over a year." Stanislav tilted his head, concentrating. "Last time I saw him, he was here in the office. Said he was looking for Katya, but she and Galina had already gone to the Ukraine."

Jedrek narrowed his eyes. He'd debugged this office when Katya was master, then again when he'd become coven master. Someone in the coven had been playing both sides. "Look through the photos on my desk. There's a picture of a black Vamp who works for MacKay."

Stanislav shuffled through the photos, then stopped. "This is him. Phineas McKinney."

Jedrek gritted his teeth. "And when Phineas was here in the office, did you tell him where Katya was?"

Stanislav opened his mouth to answer, then snapped it shut when realization struck. He gulped audibly.

"What did I say about incompetence?" Jedrek growled.

Yuri drew his sword and awaited the order.

Stanislav stepped back, his face pale. "I thought he was on our side. He helped us make the Nightshade."

Jedrek inhaled deeply. Fear radiated from Stanislav like the sweetest of perfumes. "You will have one chance to redeem yourself. You will kill Phineas McKinney."

"Of course." Stanislav nodded enthusiastically. "It'll be my pleasure."

Yuri sheathed his sword with a disappointed look.

"First you will find me a snack," Jedrek told Stanislav. "This wound has left me famished."

"Yes, Master. Right away." Stanislav left just as Nadia arrived, her hands filled with bandages and tape. She approached him with a wary look.

"You took too long." Jedrek perched on the edge of his desk and lifted his wounded arm. "Wrap it up tight."

"Yes, Master." She began rolling the gauze around his forearm.

He noted the bruises on her arms where he'd dug his fingers into her earlier. "I enjoy hurting you." Her hands shook as she bandaged his arm. Good, she was showing the proper amount of fear. He loved instilling fear in others. It gave him power over them. People bowed in fear before gods.

"What about the drug?" Yuri asked. "And Ian MacPhie?"

"I need to heal first." Jedrek flexed his hand. "Tomorrow we will strike again. We'll get our answers. And Vamps will die."

Chapter Fourteen

A dinging sound nudged Toni from her sleep. Where was she? Oh right, the silver room at Romatech Industries.

A flash of light drew her attention, and she stiffened when she realized she wasn't alone in the dark room. Then she recognized the red and green plaid kilt. The broad shoulders and black ponytail that curled on the end.

The red exit light above the door cast a dim, red glow across the room. Ian removed a bottle of blood from the microwave. That must have been the source of the dinging sound. She glanced at the bedside clock. Time to get up for work. She sat up, and the rustle of sheets caused Ian to turn toward her.

"Och, I dinna mean to wake you."

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"It's okay. It's time for me to get up." "Ye can sleep late if ye like." She immediately collapsed onto the bed. "Oh God, yes." He chuckled. "Everyone is staying here for their death-sleep. There are a few bedrooms here in the

cellar, all with surveillance cameras. Howard's in the MacKay office, watching over us." Toni glanced up at the camera in the corner. The red light indicated it was turned on. "There's a second office for day security," Ian continued. "They watch over the mortal employees

and guard the building. I hear it's verra busy upstairs during the day. Lots of mortals making synthetic blood, bottling it, and shipping it to hospitals and blood banks."

"You're not worried one of the mortal employees will stumble onto a Vamp in his death-sleep?" "The mortals are no' allowed in the basement. Ye need a special key card to make the elevator come here or access the stairway. I left one on the table for you here."

"Did I miss anything while I was sleeping?" He shrugged on shoulder. "The townhouse was invaded." "What?" She sat up. "The Malcontents were there?" "Aye. Phineas killed one. He was verra proud of himself. Jedrek tried to teleport away with me,