"You're the number one profile on Single in the City." Vanda beamed proudly. "Everyone's heard of you."

Ian winced. "I wanted to talk to you about that. Connor's upset that ye listed the location and phone number of Roman's townhouse."

"Connor's an old grouch. The women need a way to contact you."

"I understand that, but for security reasons, it's dangerous to have our location known to so many. We doona want some overzealous admirers trying to break in to see me, especially during the day. It's too risky."

"Okay, okay." Vanda fluffed up her spiky purple hair. "I'll take the address off the website."

"And the phone number, too. They can leave a message for me at Single in the City."

"All right." Vanda frowned. "But you're playing too hard to get."

"Hey, whassup?" A male Vamp, dressed in an expensive suit, sauntered toward them and winked at the line of waiting women. "Hello, ladies."

"Hi, Gregori," a chorus responded.

Ian was impressed. Gregori knew all these women?

"What's going on?" Gregori kissed Vanda on the cheek. "Are we lining up to do the bunny hop?" "Ian's doing some speed dating tonight." Vanda lowered her voice to a whisper. "He's looking for his true love."

"Ah." Gregori's eyes twinkled as he regarded Ian. "Shall I warm them up for you?"

Ian scowled. "It's hard enough to be charming once, but fifty times in a row?"

"You can do it, bro. Just be yourself."

Ian's scowl deepened.

Gregori winced. "You might try smiling. You know the ladies love a guy with a sense of humor."

"I'm doomed."

"Chill out, dude. I'll--" Gregori froze. "Good Lord, look at her. She's an angel."

Ian glanced in the direction of Gregori's stunned gaze. Toni. "She's mine," he blurted out, then caught himself. "I mean, she's my guard."

"She's the guard Connor hired?" Vanda asked.

Gregori snorted. "Yeah, I can see why he hired her."

"Her beauty had nothing to do with it," Ian snapped. "She's an excellent fighter and verra brave and clever."

"Oh." Gregori eyed Ian curiously. "I see."

Ian felt his face heat up. Perhaps he'd come on a wee bit strong. "Actually, I'd appreciate it if ye could keep an eye on her while I'm busy."

"Sure. No problem, bro."

Toni gazed at the long line of girls as she approached. "I thought you only had three dates." "I have a few more now," Ian grumbled as he moved to her side. "I'd like ye to meet some friends of mine. This is Vanda. She manages the Horny Devils."

"And writes fascinating profiles," Toni added with a smile. She held out a hand.

"Nice to meet you." Vanda shook her hand. "I'm working on another project to make Ian even more famous."

Ian swallowed hard. "That's no' really necessary."

"Of course it is. We've got to find your true love." Vanda patted Ian on the cheek. "I'll check on you later." She strode toward her office.

"And this is Gregori." Ian gestured toward him. "He's the vice president of marketing at Romatech."

"I'm delighted to meet you." Gregori took her hand and kissed it. "I've heard about you. My mother, Radinka, told me that she and Shanna will be seeing you tomorrow."

"Oh, that's right." Toni smiled. "They're coming with Howard to help him babysit while I take a final."

Ian frowned at the word babysit.

"Well, bro, shouldn't you get to work?" Gregori nodded his head toward the long line of women. Ian gulped. Work was the right word for it. Flirting with Toni had been fun, but the thought of charming all these women seemed like a bloody chore. "I need a drink first." He sat and swallowed down some Bleer.

Gregori pulled out a chair at the table so Toni could sit. "Where do you go to college?" "NYU." She sat.

Gregori sat beside her. "That's where I got my MBA."

"I got my bachelor's in business there."

Feeling forgotten and a bit undereducated, Ian gulped down more Bleer. Damn, he should have pulled out the chair for her.

Gregori leaned toward her. "Hey, is old Professor Hudgins still there? Short, bald, wears a bow tie. Looks and talks like Elmer Fudd. 'Today we're wearning about high intewest wates on cwedit cards.'"

Toni laughed, and it sounded like music from heaven. But Ian was aware of an undercurrent of grumbles and curses. The fifty Vamp women were pissed. No doubt they disliked having to wait while he talked to a mortal.

Toni finally stopped laughing and looked at Ian. "Gregori does a great impersonation. He's really funny."

"I bought you a drink." Now that was smooth, he chided himself.

"Thanks." Toni took a sip.

"What the hell are we waiting for?" Tempest yelled from the front of the line.

Ian groaned inwardly.

"The natives are getting restless," Toni observed. She glanced toward the bar and suddenly jumped to her feet when two women teleported in.

"Are ye all right?" Ian asked.

She sat back down. "I guess I'm a little...nervous about being here."

"Dance with me," Gregori suggested. "I'll tell the DJ to get back to work." He headed toward the dance floor.

Toni watched him go. "Is Gregori a Vamp?"

"Aye, a verra young one. He was changed after the invention of synthetic blood, so he's completely bottle-fed."

Toni grimaced as loud, pulsating music started. "Oh God, no. Disco?"

"Gregori loves it. Will ye stay with him till ye're ready to go home?"

"I can take care of myself."

"Toni." Ian leaned forward. "There are fifty Vamp women behind you, all glaring daggers at you. Please stay with Gregori."

She glanced over her shoulder. "Okay, I see your point. I'll go...boogie down." She stood and smoothed down her tiny skirt. "Good luck with your dates. Although I have to say you're wasting your time."

With her head held high, she strode past the glaring women, like an angel unafraid of the dark forces around her. But why did she think his dating was a waste of time? Did she think it was impossible for him to find love?

"Hey!" Tempest yelled. "Can we start already?"

"Aye, let's begin." Ian set the timer.

Tempest rushed forward, flung her arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek.

Ian unhooked her arms. "Will ye have a seat, please?"

"Sure." She climbed onto his lap.

"What are ye doing, lass?"

"Sitting." She raked her black-painted fingernails down his chest. "You know why they call me Tempest? I'm as wild as a hurricane."

"I thought we might talk a wee bit first. Ye know, the calm before a storm?"

She ripped the leather strip from his hair and raked her fingers across his scalp. "Why don't you send those other girls home?" She gripped his hair. "I want to get wet and wild with you."

"I doona know you yet." He pried her fingers loose.

"What's to know?" She nibbled on his neck.

"Well, uh, what do ye do for a living?"

She chuckled, low and throaty. "I'm not living, silly, I'm Undead."

"Aye, but we all have bills to pay."

"If I need something, I just take it." She nipped at his ear. "Right now, I need you."

"What do ye mean, ye take it?"

"I take stuff from mortals. Money, clothes, whatever."

"Ye steal from them?"

She sat back with an impatient huff. "It's not stealing when they never realize it happened. It's so easy to f**k with their minds. Like, I have a great condo for free 'cause the manager actually thinks I'm paying rent."

Why had he assumed all Vamps were like him? "I'm afraid we're no' well suited."

"What does that mean?"

He picked her up and set her on her feet as he stood. "It was nice meeting you."

"Are you ditching me?" she shrieked. "Nobody ditches me!" She flung the rest of Toni's Diet Coke in his face, then stalked away, cursing under her breath.

Ian wiped his face with a cocktail napkin. One down, forty-nine to go. Maybe Toni was right, and he was wasting his time. He glanced at the dance floor. Gregori was wiggling his hips and pointing a finger up and down. With a laugh, Toni mimicked his move.