He knew they were turning red, for his vision was now tinted pink. He slipped a hand around her neck.

She didn't pull away. Her gaze dropped to his mouth, and he couldn't resist any longer. He kissed her.

Chapter Eight

She stiffened slightly, but he didn't give up. Ian moved his mouth over hers, gently coaxing her to respond. And she did. She relaxed, leaning into him. His heart expanded in his chest, and he pulled her closer.

He nibbled on her bottom lip. Her mouth opened with a soft sigh, inviting him inside. He ran the tip of his tongue across her lips. They were moist and sweet.

A horn blared behind them, and they both jolted in their seats. Toni gasped and pulled away. Ian faced front and realized the light had turned green. He stepped on the accelerator.

Bloody hell, what was he doing? For the last few days, he'd convinced himself that a little flirtation didn't harm anyone. But kissing? He couldn't stay in denial anymore. He was breaking the noninvolvement rule, and Toni would be in big trouble if the truth got out.

He glanced at her. Her face was pale, and she was pressing her hand against her mouth.

"Are ye all right?"

"Yes. No." She lowered her hand.

He noticed the slight tremble before she clenched her hands together. "I shouldna have...kissed you. I'm sorry."

She closed her eyes briefly. "We won't think about it. Or talk about it. It never happened."

He remained silent, for he knew he couldn't agree. He would think about it. He would relive it in his mind, over and over again.

"It doesn't matter anyway," she continued in a breathless voice. "You want a Vamp woman. We're not at all suited for each other. It was a--a mistake."

Mistake, his arse. He'd do it again in a second. He hoped he hadn't frightened her, though. She'd gone through a lot of turmoil lately.

A sudden blast of music erupted, filling the strained silence. Toni gave him a confused look, then glanced around the car. The musical refrain repeated, and Ian began to comprehend the words sung by a female vocalist.

"I think it's coming from yer handbag." He motioned to the bag at her feet.

"Oh, it's my cell phone." She pulled the bag into her lap and fished out the phone. "Carlos changed the ringtone. I guess he likes Pat Benatar."

"Love is a battlefield?"

"His idea of a joke," she muttered as she wrenched the phone open. "Hello? Carlos! How could you do this to my phone?"

Ian tried to listen, but the wail of a nearby police siren made it impossible to hear Carlos's words. "I don't know where you got that idea." Toni winced as she glanced at Ian. "Our association is purely business."

They were close to Horny Devils, so Ian began looking for a place to park.

"Okay," she continued in a whisper. "I'll talk to you later. Bye." She slipped the phone back into her handbag.

"Something wrong?" Ian asked casually.

"No, everything's fine."

Then why was her heart still racing? "Carlos seemed a bit...different to me."

She shrugged. "He's g*y."

Ian recalled the pained expression on Carlos's face when he'd exited Toni's bedroom. "Did he tell you he's g*y?"

"Well, no. We assumed he is, 'cause he acts like it."

"Who is we?"

A guarded look came over Toni's face. "Sabrina and I. She's my roommate. She's visiting relatives at the moment."

There was something wrong; Ian could feel it. Something other than the forbidden kiss they'd just shared. And he was more convinced than ever that Carlos was more than he appeared.

He spotted a parking space and pulled over to the curb. "Toni, before we go in, I have to know-- why do ye have an apartment?"

She unbuckled her seat belt. "It beats living on the street."

"Ye said ye were guarding Vamps because ye wanted free room and board, but that doesna make sense when ye already have an apartment."

"Yes, I'm paying rent, but the lease is almost up. Believe me, having a well-paying job with all expenses paid is the best thing for me right now. It gives me a chance to pay back my student loans."

"What about yer roommate?"

"She's...not broke like me. She gets a nice allowance every year, and as soon as she graduates, we have a plan for going into business together."

"So ye see this job as temporary?"

"Yes. A year at the most." She gave him a worried look. "That's not a problem, is it?"

"Dinna Connor explain what happens when a mortal guard leaves MacKay Security and Investigation?"

"He said he would erase my memory about vampires."

"He'll erase yer memory of everything. Ye'll lose the year like it never happened."

Her eyes grew wide. "That's...too much." She pressed a hand to her chest.

Ian knew he should urge her to quit now. Then she would lose only a few days. But the thought of never seeing her again was painful. "Ye...ye should quit and go back to yer normal life."

Her eyes glittered with unshed tears. "My life's not very normal." She blinked and squared her shoulders. "So, are we going in this club or not?"

"We'll go." Relief swept through him. He didn't have to lose her just yet. But relief quickly morphed into apprehension. Something was seriously wrong. A mortal didn't throw away a year so easily. She was up to something. And he would damned well figure it out.

She could lose a year of her life? Toni was numb with shock as she walked alongside Ian. She aimed a quick glance in his direction. Good grief, she'd kissed the man! She'd kissed a vampire. And lived to tell about it.

He hadn't even tasted bloody. Oh, bloody hell. She could lose a year of her life? This was too much to take in all at once. How could she have kissed him? She shoved that thought aside and concentrated on the other thing driving her crazy--losing a whole, freaking year of her life!

Damn that Connor. He'd glossed over that part. He must have figured she'd keep the job forever. But she and Sabrina had plans. Big plans, dammit.

And she'd kissed Ian. A sudden thought made her wince. Had Carlos seen it through his little spy camera? No wonder he'd called afterward. He'd probably wanted to make sure she was all right. After all, she'd just locked lips with a vampire. And what lips. The man sure knew how to kiss. Of course, he'd had several centuries to perfect his technique.

He'd been so sweet and apologetic afterward. Why couldn't he be mortal? She could fall for him in a second if he were mortal. She glanced at him again. Could she fall for him as a vampire?

He led her into a dark alley. "The entrance is hidden, so mortals willna try to enter."

She spotted a red door in the dim light, with a huge man standing guard. He nodded at Ian, then opened the door.

"Wait a minute." The bouncer raised a beefy hand. His beady eyes focused on Toni, and his nostrils flared. "She can't come in here. She's--"

"She's with me, Hugo." Ian looped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her inside the club.

Loud music assaulted her ears, and flashing lights temporarily blinded her. So this was a vampire nightclub. It looked a lot like a mortal one. She rotated so the camera on her vest could send the images back to Carlos's apartment. He was recording it all there.

She spotted a group of scantily clad ladies pressed close to the stage where a hunky guy gyrated, his sparkly red thong glittering under the lights. Well, Carlos would enjoy seeing that. Other than the male dancer, most everyone else was female. Even the bartender and DJ were women.

She noted a few Vamps sitting at the tables and drinking something red from glasses. Blood, no doubt, but would a picture of them constitute proof of the existence of vampires? It might look like a picture of regular people drinking red wine.

"Can I get ye something to drink?" Ian smiled when she made a face. "They have a few nonbloody drinks."

"A Diet Coke then. I have a final tomorrow." And she was on a mission now, so she needed her wits about her. "I can't stay very long. I should be home by ten."

"I can teleport ye home whenever ye like." He led her toward the tables.

A female suddenly materialized next to the bar with a cell phone by her ear. She hung up, then dashed to the stage.

"What was that?" Toni turned to follow her movements, but she wasn't sure if her camera had caught everything.

"Vamps call if they're teleporting in for the first time," Ian explained. "They use the phone as a sensory beacon to make sure they come to the right place."