She halted halfway down the stairs with a stunned look on her face. "You really do collect expensive cars? Don't tell me the other stuff in your profile is true."

"What other stuff?"

She continued down the stairs. "Stuff like your enchanted castle in the Highlands."

He chuckled. "I wouldna call it enchanted, unless ye're entranced by the notion of mildew." "Then you really do have a castle?"

"It's no' nearly as huge as Angus's castle. I would describe it as more of a large manor house." "Oh. How...cozy." With an irritated look, she crossed the foyer to the entrance door, her high- heeled boots clicking on the marble floor. "Since you didn't even write your profile, I'm sure all those sappy promises are false."

He reached the door first. "What promises?"

She snorted. "You still haven't read it, have you?"

"I've been busy returning hundreds of phone calls. And investigating you. What promises?" She shrugged like she didn't care. "There was one about remaining faithful to your wife forever. Like that could happen."

"It would happen."

She looked doubtful. "And then there was a promise to keep your shimmering, starlit princess in a state of orgasmic ecstasy forever." She rolled her eyes. "Like that could happen, too."

His mouth twitched. "I could certainly try. I do want my wife to feel well pleasured."

She bit her lip and looked away. "You really intend to get married then?"

"Yes." He opened the door, and a blast of cold air knocked her back a step.

She tugged her scarf up over her ears and mouth so her voice sounded muffled. "God, I'm gonna freeze my ass off."

And such a lovely ass. He stepped in front of her to block the wind. "This way. It's no' far." He led her down the street and glared at the men who passed them by and stared at Toni's exposed legs.

"How could someone in your situation take wedding vows seriously?" she mumbled from under her scarf. "You can't honestly claim that you'll stay faithful for centuries."

"Doona accuse me of dishonesty."

"I'm sorry, but some of the stuff in your profile doesn't make sense to me."

There was stuff about her that didn't make sense, either. And he still didn't know her full name. Ian fumbled in his sporran for the car keys. He'd driven one of Roman's cars here, a black Lexus.

"For instance," she continued, "you claim you want to lavish tons of money on your princess. If you're so rich, how come you're working as a security guard?"

"My specialty is investigation. I've broken into Langley twice, undetected."

"Sneaky rascal, aren't you?"

He grinned. "As for the money, I doona have nearly as much as Roman or Angus. They have billions." He punched a button on the keypad, then opened the car door. "I only have a few million."

She gave him a wry look. "You should be ashamed. What have you been doing all these centuries--goofing off?"

With a chuckle, he motioned to the open door. "Are ye no' cold?"

"I'm confused. Why work at all? Why not stay in Scotland and drive your fancy cars all night?" She hunched over to climb into the car.

"I did that for several decades, but it got old." He enjoyed the view as she separated her legs to get into the front seat. Her tiny skirt hitched up dangerously high. "I wanted more excitement in my life."

"I guess you're getting it." She frowned as she tugged at the hem of her skirt.

"Aye, that I am." He smiled as he shut her door. Then he circled the vehicle and slid behind the steering wheel.

He drove to the West Side Highway, then turned north, headed toward Hell's Kitchen. Whenever he glanced to the right, his gaze gravitated to her legs. Slim and muscular, they could squeeze a man tight around his waist. He inhaled sharply when she rubbed her hands up and down her thighs.

"Do you mind if I turn up the heat? It's a little chilly in here."

He held on to the steering wheel with a death grip. "It seems quite warm to me, but go ahead." "Thanks." She leaned toward the center of the car to fiddle with the temperature control.

Unfortunately, the air vents blew her sweet scent straight into his face. A wave of desire cascaded from his nostrils to his groin. Spending time alone with her had been a bad idea. Instead of getting answers, he was getting a hard-on. "What is yer full name, Toni?"

She waved a hand, dismissing his question. "I met Roman last Monday. He told me his wife, Shanna, is mortal, and that some other guy has a mortal wife, too."

"Jean-Luc, aye. I attended his wedding in September."

"If these other Vamps are marrying mortals, how come you're too prejudiced to even date them?"

"I'm no' prejudiced." His gaze drifted to the bare, golden skin of her luscious thighs. "I find some mortal women verra attractive." Dear Mother of God, she was crossing her legs.

"I just don't understand why you're refusing to date mortals."

"Because I want to be honest. With a Vamp, I wouldna have to lie about who or what I am. I want a relationship built on complete honesty."

She lowered her gaze to her hands clenched in her lap. "No...secrets, then?"

"Nay. And no judgments. A mortal would have trouble accepting my past, but another Vamp would understand and no' find fault with the things I had to do to survive."

She glanced at him sharply. "You mean using women for food and sex?"

He gritted his teeth. "That's exactly the sort of judgment I'm talking about. I admit I took blood when I needed it, but I have never forced myself on a woman."

"How can you be so sure? Didn't you use mind control?"

"I'm no' a ra**st." He turned onto West Thirty-fourth. At least her accusations were doing a good job of squelching his lustful desires. "I willna blame ye for interrogating me since ye were attacked only a few nights ago. I'm sure ye canna help being touchy."

"I'm not touchy. I'm pissed."

"Doona mistake me for a Malcontent. When I enter a lady's mind, I can hear her thoughts, and I never stay where I'm no' welcome."

"You never controlled a woman's thoughts to make her succumb?"

"Nay. In my case, I used mind control to convince women I was older than I looked." "So you did trick them."

"My bloody face was the trick, Toni, and there was no escaping it. It made people think I was fifteen, when inside I was a fully grown man. I had to use more trickery to make women see me the way I wanted to be. I canna be proud of all that deceit. That's why it is so important now that I be honest. Another Vamp would understand that."

"You could be honest with a mortal."

"I could hardly approach a mortal and say, 'Hello, I'm a vampire. Would you like to go out with me?' I would have to lie to her at first, and I refuse to do that."

"There are plenty of women who would date you because you are a vampire."

He pulled to a stop at a red light and faced her. "I doona want to be loved because I'm Undead. No more than ye would want to be rejected for being mortal."

She looked away. "I--I've been too...harsh with you."

"Lass, ye have every reason to be suspicious. Ye were almost murdered a few nights ago. But those vampires who attacked you were probably cruel and vicious before they were transformed. Death doesna change a man's heart."

"Then you were a good man," she whispered.

All his desire came flooding back. "I try to be."

Her gaze met his. "What do you want more than anything?"

Right now, he felt like he could gaze into her green eyes for a century or two. They were amazing, the way they flared with anger, twinkled with humor, or softened with compassion. "I want to be loved, honestly and truly loved, for who I am. And I want to love a woman with all my heart for all my life. I want to ache for her mind, for her body, for her companionship."

Her eyes widened. "Oh."

The scent of her hot, rushing blood filled the car, and his nerve endings thrummed in response. He wondered if she had any idea what she was doing to him. Could she feel the waves of desire flowing off him?

Yes, he would swear she did. Her heart was pounding fast. Her breathing was erratic. He leaned closer.

"You--your eyes," she whispered.