"I know. It took me several hours." He rubbed his whiskered chin. "I've been told recently that I'm a rude, arrogant snob, so I'm trying to mend my evil ways."

She snorted. "Too late." She walked past him to the dresser and removed some undies from a drawer.

Blue and lacy, he noted. "I left a new recording on the answering machine, so anyone who calls today will hear that I'm no longer available."

"Oh, that was a good idea."

"Aye." He felt a sudden pull as if a vacuum cleaner was sucking out his energy. The sun must be nearing the horizon. "I'd like to discuss yer employment application."

"I filled it out truthfully." She planted a hand on her hip. "And I'm insulted that you're questioning that."

"I'm no' saying ye lied." He yawned as he moved toward her. She glanced at the clock. "You're just about out of time, huh? And I need to take my shower, so

off you go."

He felt another tug from his death-sleep and grabbed a bedpost to steady himself.

"Aw, feeling a little sleepy, are you? Time to go beddie-bye?"

He steeled himself against the weakness. "I still have some time. Answer my questions, and I'll leave."

She opened the closet and tugged a polo shirt off a hanger. "The way I see it, I only have to avoid you for about two more minutes." She grabbed a pair of pants and turned toward the bathroom.

He zoomed forward and caught her in his arms. She gasped.

He inclined his head closer to hers. "Can ye avoid me now?"

She clasped her clothes to her chest with one hand and pushed at him with the other. "I'm not talking to you."

He noted with great satisfaction that her push had been weak. She didn't object as much as she pretended to. And her body was warm and soft. He splayed his hands across her back and pulled her closer. "We could find other ways to pass the time."

Her eyes flashed with anger. "You--you're a liar!" She shoved harder, and he released her.

"I havena lied to you, lass."

"You said you only wanted Vamp women." She stepped back and hugged her clothes to her chest. "Why should I tell you anything if you're not trustworthy?"

He couldn't believe it. She was turning the tables on him. "It's you I doona completely trust." "You're the one trying to break the rule of noninvolvement."

"Bloody hell, I'm a man! Do ye expect me no' to notice how beautiful ye are?" He swayed on his feet.

She reached out a hand to steady him, then pulled her arm back before making contact. "Don't you dare fall dead in my bedroom. How could I explain that?"

"No one will know I was here. Trust me."

She gave him a sad look. "How could I ever trust a vampire?"

"I'm still a man," he whispered. "And I would never hurt you." With his last ounce of energy, he teleported to the fifth floor, pulled off his jumper, and collapsed on the bed. He'd get his answers tonight.

As death-sleep washed over him, he wished he could dream of lovely girls with golden hair and eyes as green as a Highland meadow in springtime.

I deserve to be happy.

I will accomplish my goals.

Toni began her morning affirmations in the shower. As she soaped up her arms, she recalled how Ian had grabbed her and pulled her close. She'd been too stunned to fight him off. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

I will achieve something meaningful with my life.

I am worthy to be loved.

Dammit, she'd liked being in his arms. She was out of her mind. She wouldn't think about him anymore. She rinsed off and started her affirmations again.

I deserve to be happy.

Do ye expect me no' to notice how beautiful ye are? Good grief, now his words were repeating in her head. But what nice words. And what had he told her earlier? Any man would be blessed and honored to receive yer love. With a sigh, she turned the water off. She'd waited all her life to hear someone tell her the right words. What rotten luck that it was coming from a vampire.

She dressed, popped in her contacts, and pulled her damp hair back into a ponytail. She'd dry it later. For now, she needed to make her rounds and call in her first report. She went to the basement to make sure the little Vamps were all snug in their little Vamp beds. Dougal and Phineas were fine. Time for the long trek upstairs. Of all the floors, Ian had to pick the top one. At least the five flights were good cardio.

She found him on the king-sized bed, stretched out in his kilt, white T-shirt, socks, and shoes. His sweater was on the floor. She picked it up, folded it, and placed it beside him on the bed. His face was peaceful, but rugged with black stubble shading his jaw. She fought an urge to stroke a fingertip down his cheek and poke the dimple in his chin.

She turned away from his face and noted his shoes. That couldn't be comfy. She had one shoe pulled off when she realized it had only been yesterday morning when she'd been afraid to even touch him.

She glanced at his face. He was becoming human to her. And not just human, but attractive. Damn. She dropped his second shoe on the floor and left the room. She needed to quit this job as soon as possible. She just needed to find proof that the Vamps existed. Then she could shove that proof in Dr. Proctor's face and demand he let Sabrina go. And then she would be out of here. She'd never have to see Ian again.

A sudden wave of sadness caught her by surprise. Damn, why couldn't he have been mortal? Why couldn't she have met him at NYU? If he'd approached her there with his gorgeous face and lilting, soft accent, she would have fallen for him in a second. God help her, she wanted to hear him say more lovely things to her. She wanted to know if his thick, black hair felt soft if she raked her fingers through it.

How old was he exactly? He'd mentioned the sixteenth century. It was fascinating once she thought about all the things he must have seen over the centuries. What kind of baggage was he carrying on his broad shoulders? What kept him going night after night through the centuries? Did he really want to share his long life with one special woman?

Stop thinking about him. She strode across the office and sat at the desk. The computer hadn't yielded any proof. Maybe there was something in the drawers. She rummaged through the desk and discovered a thin black book. The title, printed in white, read The Black Pages.

As she scanned the first few pages, her heart began to race. This could be it. Proof positive. The advertisements were clearly meant for the Vamp public.

Ace Aluminum Blinds and Shutters. Block out that annoying sunlight and enjoy the dark!

Aerobics and Weight Training. Is your body centuries old? Keep it in great shape with us!

Brooklyn Blood Bank. Catering to Vamp needs. Are you tired of synthetic blood and hankering for the real thing?

This was it!

She was so excited, she called Carlos. "It's called The Black Pages. It's perfect!"

"I'm not sure it constitutes proof," Carlos said with a yawn. "Anybody can print anything off a computer."

Toni groaned. "Don't be such a downer."

"I'm sorry, menina. I'll be happy to look at it, though. Can you bring it tonight? Let's have dinner at your place. I'll order in Chinese."

"That's sounds wonderful." She would switch to her biggest handbag, so she could sneak the phone book out of the house. "Have you found out anything more about Sabrina's uncle?"

"Not yet. I have a final this afternoon and a paper due tomorrow. But I'll find the time."

"Okay. Good luck with your stuff." Toni hung up.

It was eight A.M. and time for her first report. After she got off the phone with Howard, the phone started ringing constantly. She was relieved Ian had recorded the new message, and she didn't have to deal with all the girls who thought he was hot. Even if they were right.

By four-thirty that evening, she was ready to go. She had hidden The Black Pages in a big handbag. The minute Dougal and Phineas arrived in the kitchen, she said her good-byes and headed for the front door. Ian materialized in the foyer just as she was unlocking the door. "Toni, wait!" He rushed forward and stumbled, nearly falling on his face. He righted himself just in time. "Bugger."

She hesitated before opening the door. "Are you all right?" Good grief, the poor man was blushing.

"My feet grew from a size nine to a thirteen in twelve days," he muttered. "I'm still getting used to it."

His feet weren't the only things that had grown. Toni's face grew hot as she attempted to override that memory. She was being shallow, she chided herself. The man must have suffered while he was growing that fast. "It must have been painful."