Ian winced. Vanda's prose did sound overly dramatic, but then Toni's reaction seemed a bit exaggerated, too. "It's verra interesting that ye would commit the lines to memory. I'm flattered ye studied it so carefully."

Her mouth dropped open, then snapped shut. "You should have Vanda do some serious editing. The way it's worded right now, it doesn't sound very...manly."

He arched a brow. Was she challenging him again? "I'll take a look at it tonight."

"You haven't read it yet?"

"Nay." He shrugged one shoulder. "I'm sure Vanda did a better job of it than I ever could." Toni gave him a suspicious look. "It's not like you to be modest." Her eyes suddenly widened. "Oh my gosh, are you nervous about dating?"

He swallowed hard. She'd hit a bull's-eye. "It's...hard to explain."

"How can you be nervous? Haven't you been seducing women for ages, so you could get their... blood?"

"That was different. I'm looking for my true love now, the woman I'll marry and spend the rest of my life with. I'm no' really sure how to go about it, or if I'll find the right one. There are so many to choose from."

"Yeah, the dating scene is rough." Her gaze grew sympathetic. "But you shouldn't worry. You'll do fine. You just need some practice. You did really well last night when you flirted with me."

"Ye enjoyed it?"

Her eyes hardened. "I wouldn't say that."

He tilted his head. "Ye're a woman."

"Brilliant, Sherlock. You must be a professional investigator."

He smiled. "I am, actually. That's my area of expertise." He noted the wary look that suddenly appeared in her eyes. Was she worried about what he might find out about her? "Ye said I needed more practice. Would ye let me practice with you?"

She glanced toward the door. "I was just leaving."

"It would only take a few minutes." He gestured toward the parlor. "I would really appreciate it." He could see the wheels turning behind her lovely green eyes. Perhaps if she was nice and humored him, he would forget to investigate her? Fat chance. She was far too intriguing.

"I could spare a few minutes, I suppose." She wandered slowly toward the parlor.

"Thank you." He waited while she dropped her handbag on the couch, then removed her jacket. When she perched on the edge of the sofa cushion, he sat beside her.

She glanced warily at him. "I'm not sure you really need this. You were flirting like a pro last night."

"I dinna realize what I was doing till ye told me. I must have been distracted by all the other emotions I was feeling." Like suspicion. And lust.

"Then you'll probably do fine as long as you don't get self-conscious about it."

"Perhaps. Or it might be easier with you because it doesna matter."

She stiffened. "Because I'm a mortal and beneath you?"

"Nay!" What made her so touchy about that? Had someone slashed her ego in the past? "Toni, I barely know you, but I canna see anything remotely unworthy about you. Any man would be blessed and honored to receive yer love."

Her eyes widened.

"I only meant that we doona have to worry about how we feel about each other. It doesna matter because we canna have a relationship. It's against the rules."

"Right." She leaned back and crossed her arms. "Okay. Since I can't be affected in any way, let's see what you can do. Try your best mojo on me."

Mojo? What the hell was that?

She shifted to face him. "You see me in a bar. I'm a sexy, Vamp lady with a gorgeous set of... fangs. So you make your move..." She watched him expectantly.

Smooth and charming. That had worked for Jean-Luc. "Good evening, miss. Ye're looking quite fetching tonight."

"Thanks." Her eyes narrowed. "Lovely weather we're having."

"Quite so. A bit chilly, perhaps."

"Indeed, Mr. Darcy. I fear the sheep will be shivering on the moor." She made a face at him. "What century did you come from?"

"The sixteenth, but I've adjusted over the centuries."

She scoffed. "Not enough. You're still behind about two hundred years."

"I was trying to sound charming."

"Prince Charming's not a hero anymore. Haven't you watched Shrek?"

He didn't know what she was talking about. "I thought charm could never go out of style. It worked for Jean-Luc."

"I don't know him. Look, you've got to sound more modern. More hip. Try again."

He searched his mind for the right words. "Yo, hot mama, let's get down?"

She burst into laughter. "Now you sound like Phineas, except that you just said, 'Let's get dune.' Oh God, the accent is so funny."

"Thanks." He gave her a wry look. "Perhaps I can mispronounce myself into a lady's affections." Toni grinned. "You still sound old-fashioned."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

She tilted her head, considering. "I suppose it depends on the girl. Some girls like having a man open the door for them. But a lot of modern women would interpret chivalrous behavior as rude. We can open the damned door for ourselves. Don't ever consider us the weaker sex."

"Then ye're misinterpreting my motives. I would open the door to show respect, no' disrespect."

"But do you really respect women? Haven't we just been your dinner for centuries?"

"Ye've been my salvation. I could never have survived without you."

Her eyes widened. "We see things so differently from each other."

"That only makes you more fascinating to me." He gazed into her eyes and saw a mixture of emotions struggling against one another. She was so beautiful. So determined to be tough and hide her wounds. Would it frighten her if she knew how attracted he was to her? "I would never harm you, lass. I hope ye know that."

She pulled back suddenly and looked away. "Were you using mind control on me?"


"Then why am I--" She gave him a wary glance. "Never mind."

Was she feeling it, too? This strange pull between them. He stretched an arm along the back of the sofa. "Tell me, Toni, when it comes to dating a modern lass, would it be all right for me to kiss her on the first date?"

She pulled her handbag into her lap. "A peck on the cheek would be fine. Or a quick kiss when you say good-bye."

"What if I want more?"

Her cheeks reddened. "If you want to jump in the sack, that's your choice."

"I was only referring to a deeper, more satisfying kiss. But since ye're in a hurry to get me in bed--"

"I think you've had enough practice." She jumped to her feet and pulled on her coat.

He stood. "Thank you. This was verra educational."

"Right." She swung her handbag onto her shoulder. "Believe me, you'll do fine with the dating."

She headed for the front door.

"That's good. I have two dates tonight."

She glanced back. "Two?"

Was she jealous? "The nights are long. I'll see you in the morning before sunrise. We still need to talk."

She shook her head as she reached for the doorknob. "There's nothing to talk about."

"I have questions that need answering."

"You're too nosy."

"If ye refuse to talk to me, I'll have to investigate you."

Her eyes flashed with anger. "Why can't you leave me alone?" She left, slamming the door behind her.

That was a good question. He had two dates tonight and plenty of phone calls he could return. But for some reason, he couldn't leave Toni alone. She filled his thoughts. He desired her, but it was more than lust. She was a mystery. A beautiful, clever mystery. And damned fun to flirt with.

He teleported to the fifth floor to shower and change. First he would go to Romatech to see Connor and begin his investigation. He had a few hours to kill before meeting his dates at the Horny Devils.

In the bathroom, he yanked the T-shirt off, then stared at the words Toni had scribbled. Could she really be jealous that so many women desired him? Or did he just want her to be jealous? One thing was certain. He was totally intrigued by their beautiful female guard.

Angus MacKay's cardinal rule repeated in the back of his mind. A guard must never become romantically involved with his charges. She was forbidden. She was mortal.