Page 36 of Monster

“I… Fuck…” He closes the distance and hands me the documents that, I’m assuming, he’s just printed from the computer. I pick them up and drop my gaze to the information. The moment I pick out why Tye is so nervous, I drop the pages to the desk and settle back in my chair.

“Cheers, Tye.”

“If you need—”

“I said, thank you, Tye,” I reiterate my statement.

He nods and offers one last look at the girl sitting across from me before he turns and leaves, shutting the door behind him. Silence hangs heavily in the room. There’s no doubt in my mind she would have picked up on the details because the pages aren’t far from where she’s seated.

“Monster,” she whispers my road name. The one I was given when I took over the club. It’s the one that everyone calls me. All my closest friends.

“Care to explain why you’ve been lying to me?” I say slowly. I haven’t yet told her about my connection to her father. Or her mother for that matter. The realisation that’s slowly dawning on me is that it was Miren’s mother who ordered the hit on my family, on my mother.

“I don’t know what you mean,” she tells me, but I can see the lies flickering in her pretty, stormy eyes.

I need to tamp down my anger because I want nothing more than to pin her to the wall and force her to tell me everything.

“If you lie to me once more,” I say, slowly, “I will bind you to the feckin’ chair and torture you until you tell me what I want to know.”

I push my chair out slowly, and the legs scrape along the wooden floor. Miren winces at the sound as it echoes in the room. I’ve been angry before, but that was all concentrated on my enemies. It seems, though, the wee lassie is one of those. She should be on the list of those I want to see dead.

“Please,” she pleads with me. Her wide eyes piercing mine as her lips tremble. “He was a stranger to me until a few weeks ago. I had never set foot in his house, and I never spoke to him before then.” She looks directly at me as she says this, and I see no lie in her gaze. “I’m not lying to you, Monster. You must believe me.”

I close the distance to where she’s seated. I grip the arms of the chair and lean in until I’m inches from her. The warmth of her quick breath fans over my face. Fear dances like flames in her eyes. The storm is raging, the blue turned completely grey, and the way her lower lip trembles only seems to wake the monster I keep deep inside.



There isonly darkness in his eyes. I thought I could talk to him, calm him down. I knew I should have come clean ages ago, but it’s been nice to have a place to belong. Just for a while. However, it seems my time has run out. The luck I had been riding has come to an end.

“So what brought you to his house?” His words are a whisper dripping in poison as they touch my lips. When I don’t reply, he wraps a hand around my neck. The pressure on my throat is intense, and he digs his fingers into the sides, stealing my air. “I have no qualms making you cry, wee fox,” he tells me. “Get up,” he orders, and even if I wanted to refuse him, I can’t because he lifts me with ease. The grip he has on me is strong, harsh. If he were to press any harder, I’d most probably pass out.

“I-I was kidnapped,” I choke out slowly. My voice raspy as I voice my response.

Monster tips his head to the side as he walks us back until I hit the wall with a soft thud. “And I’m meant to believe that?”

The sneer on his face makes my heart riot against my ribs. My lungs are struggling, and my head feels light, as if there are bubbles floating in there. Gently, I place my hands on his forearm and feel the corded muscles as they tense at my touch.

“Yes,” I rasp. “I-I wouldn’t lie.”

“Oh?” He smirks, and I realise I kind of did. I omitted information. It isn’t the same as lying. “You are a liar.” His sneer is venomous.

I shouldn’t be saddened by his anger at me, but for some reason, I am. The kiss we shared was nothing more than me thanking him for his help, but deep down, I know it was more. I felt it. There was a current of need that had coursed through me the moment my lips touched his cheek. The short stubble tickling my lips, and last night in bed, I replayed the moment in my head, over and over again. The memory of his tongue tasting my lips sent me over the edge.

There’s a long, silent moment where he just stares at me. I dart my tongue out to lick my lips, and those dark orbs drop to my mouth. Heat flickers in his stare. Then the hand he’d been holding me with snakes around to my hair, and he fists the locks before tugging my head back. My neck exposed, Monster leans in and slowly inhales, as if he’s committing my scent to memory.

“You’re a distraction,” he tells me. The words slam into me. I should have been upfront, but I obeyed Father Donahue when he told me to hide the truth. Even though I knew it was wrong, I did it. Whatever happens to me now is in fate’s hands. “I don’t trust you.”

Monster lifts his head from the crook of my neck. His dark eyes simmer. I’m pretty sure he wants to kill me. Perhaps he should, and then this will all be over. Finally.

“Then kill me,” I mutter when he only stares at me. “I lied to you, that’s true. But I was scared. The truth is, I didn’t know who my father was until I was kidnapped by him.”

I don’t lower my gaze; instead, I hold his hostage because I know if I were to look away, he’d think I was lying. He needs to see the truth in my eyes.

“Why would a father kidnap his daughter?” Monster asks me, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Even though we’re having what I would consider a conversation, he doesn’t release his hold on me. And I don’t want him to. The realisation that I crave this, I crave him, makes my stomach tumble. I have a crush on the man who wants to hurt me and my family.