Page 10 of Monster

“That’s no bother for us. We’ll be here. I’ll make sure the whole crew is with us. If we need the backup, I’d rather have them on standby than waitin’ for them.” I watch as he hits send on the email that will go through to mine and Tye’s inboxes. Once we sit down tonight at church, I’ll get all the men up to speed.

“Well, I suppose it’s all settled. First ship arrives this coming weekend.”

I nod. “Aye, we’ll be here.”

We say our goodbyes, and I know that no matter what happens, I’ll be able to provide for the brothers. We have the club, which brings in a decent income, and soon enough, we plan to open another.

I’m about to start the bike when my phone buzzes.

When I pull it from my pocket, I find Father Donahue’s name flashing on the screen. I haven’t spoken to the priest in a while. He’s known me for most of my life. He knew Ma because she would attend his services every Sunday. He was the one who buried her.

“Donahue,” I greet as I answer.

“You should get to the club. All the brothers need to be with you when I tell you where to go next. This is important, Cathal. I’ll send you the address in text.” His voice is calm, but there’s a hint of something I can’t put my finger on. I want to question him on it, but he hangs up, and then the message comes through.

My chest tightens when I open it. On the screen is the address for the house Moore told us about. I don’t know why Donahue is there, why he’s calling me to come to Bragan’s home, but I’ll get to the bottom of it.

I’ve always trusted Donahue. But it’s only because he’s been around my family all my life. The old man has never done or said anything wrong, and yet my gut churns with frustration.

Has he been hiding Bragan all this time?

I rush back to the club in record time because I’m tense. It’s going to take us at least thirty minutes to get to the address Donahue sent. The moment I walk into the living room, I find five of my brothers.

“Somethin’s wrong,” I tell them as they all look up when I rush inside. “Donahue’s called; he wants us to meet him at Bragan’s place.”

Rebel leans forward, intrigued. “What?”

“Aye.” I nod. “I’m as confused as you are. Let’s ride.”

I turn and am out the door with all of them hot on my heels. I make my way to my bike and start the engine. As each of the bikes come to life, the noise is a feckin’ symphony. Life on two wheels has become as natural as breathin’ to me. I can’t imagine ever lovin’ somethin’ more than being out on the open road.

With my brothers behind me, following and supporting me as they’ve done for all these years, I know I’m finally going to close a part of my life that’s plagued me for too long. There’s tension in my muscles, though. I can feel it running in my veins. The idea that the bastard could get away.

So many thoughts run through my mind when I consider having him in my grasp and then losing him again. I don’t want that to happen. I need this to work out.



The past fewdays have been tense. I’ve spent it with men who would make Satan fear. I didn’t expect to ever be in a position where I would need to run, but with every session of torture they bestow on me, I can’t help but pray for help. When the door creaks open and one of the goons who I learned is named Nolan walks in, I know I’m in for another session. It’s enough to have bile rising up my throat and burning its way into my oesophagus.

All my life, I’ve never wanted for anything. But in the world I now find myself being held captive, all I want is my freedom. I grew up around respectable people, honest people, but in this place, those are merely stories of fiction. Looking around me, I don’t find them.

I stare at the bodyguard who watches me intently. There’s a savagery in his gaze that makes me shiver. I can’t imagine what he’s thinking when he looks at me. The man I know to be my father doesn’t show any paternal instinct, and the pain he inflicts will forever scar me. I know it will.

“C’mere to me,” Nolan orders. “He’s waiting on you. And he doesn’t like to be late.”

“Late for what?”

“Never you mind,” he bites out, and I can tell he’s frustrated by the way he fists his hands and his face creases when he glares at me. “Come now,cailín, time to go.”

Go?Maybe they’re releasing me. I haven’t been of help to them, so perhaps they’re finally letting me see Mum and we can return to London. My chest blooms with hope as I push to my feet and follow Nolan on the path that leads to a staircase. This house is built on underground tunnels. I don’t know where they all go, but if I weren’t afraid for my life, I’d love to explore.

When we reach the living room, the memory of only a few days ago flickers in my mind. My father returned from the garden, and as much as he tried to hide the crimson on his hands, he couldn’t. Death followed him like a shadow. Blood stained his hands, and the stench of metal burned my nostrils. I can never forget that day.

An image flashed into my mind, a memory of a movie scene—a man’s eyes vacant as they stared out at nothing. His mouth parted in a scream which never came—but I’m pretty sure it was a daily occurrence in Patrick Bragan’s life.

There must be so many innocent lives destroyed by the man I should look up to as if he were a hero. But I’ve come to learn my father is far from it.