Page 27 of Hiraeth

“I agree,” I reassure Noah. “But hitting him is wrong. You should have come and got me.”

“He would’ve waited and then beaten Kevin when you weren’t around.”

“That isn’t the point. I’ll need to let your father know about this. It’s a very serious matter. I’m going to put you on reflection for the rest of the week. When we go back to class you will apologize to Luca.” I put on my strict teacher's voice.

Noah is a quiet boy, highly intelligent. I know he lost his mother at a young age, but he’s never been violent like this before. It worries me.

“Fuck off.” Noah pushes past me. “I won’t apologise to him.”

I’m momentarily stunned. His response is completely out of character.

“Noah Stewart, that’s enough. I don’t know what has got into you, but I won’t tolerate it. Go straight to the headteacher’s office now. I’m going to have to call your father.”

He turns and glares at me. Uncontrollable rage flashes behind his eyes. It’s scary—I’ve never seen anything like it before. His nostrils flare, and for a moment, I fear he might lash out at me as well. I carry a whistle around my neck for emergencies, and I drop it into my hand, ready to blow if needed.

He shakes his head and looks down.

“Fine,” he huffs and then turns around again and heads in the direction of the headteacher’s office.

I take a few deep breaths to settle my nerves before following him inside. I’m shaking, but my teacher instincts are already kicking in. This is not normal behaviour for Noah, and I want to find out exactly what has caused him to react in this way.



“You’ve been working with us for three years now,” my watch commander begins as I sit down in front of him for my appraisal. “How do you think it’s going?”

“Good, I think. I’m more confident in the role now. It was a bit of a difficult adjustment at first, but it’s working for me with my home situation, and the crew is really friendly,” I reply.

After Julia died, I couldn’t go on any more tours of duty with the army, because I needed to be at home in the UK for Noah. I was placed on desk duties for a while, but it didn’t really suit me, so when I saw an advert to join the fire service a few years ago, I thought, why not. I could protect people and still be close to home when needed.

Thankfully, it was the right decision, and since becoming a firefighter, I’ve never looked back. I enjoy the work and being part of a close-knit team. I also get to experience the same kind of thrill I used to get while in the army, and even though I had to start at the bottom of the pecking order again, I’m one of the more experienced firefighters at my station now. That doesn’t mean I don’t still see some of the guys from my regiment, especially Ben and his family. They have been a godsend to me, and I count him as one of my closest friends. He’s still in the army and rising through the ranks.

“I have to say you’re doing really well on paper.”On paper? Shit! What have I done wrong?“And in practice, it’s just the same.”Phew! “Which is why I wanted to speak to you today. Black Watch is going to be down a crew commander soon. Your name has been put forward, and I wanted to know how you feel about applying?”

“Really?” I’m shocked.

I haven’t been a firefighter that long, and it’s difficult to rise through the ranks quickly.

“Yes, your handling of the warehouse explosion last week showed you are more than ready to take on the job. I’m not saying you’ll automatically get it if you apply, but it’s worth considering.”

“Thank you.”

After five years of setbacks and massive changes, I finally feel like I’m getting somewhere. Noah will be excited as well. It will be some good news to give him, particularly as the memories always haunt him at this time of year.

A knock at the door has us both turning our heads towards the sound.

“Come in,” my watch commander calls out, and his secretary opens the door.

“Sorry to bother you both. Landon, we’ve just had a call from Noah’s school, apparently there’s been some sort of incident, and they’re wondering if you’d be able to go there as soon as possible?”

“Did they say what has happened?” I question, concerned.

“No, his teacher, Miss Bailey, didn't want to elaborate over the phone. She said Noah is completely fine. She just needs to speak to you as soon as possible.”

“Go, Landon, we’re nearly at the end of our shift, and we’re up one extra crew member anyway.” My watch commander dismisses me before I even have a chance to ask him if it would be all right for me to leave.

“Thank you, sir. And I’ll think about what you said. I appreciate the vote of confidence.”