Page 20 of Hiraeth


“The graveyard guy?”

I laugh, nodding. “He’s been really good these last few weeks.”

“Are you seeing him?” she asks cautiously.

I shrug. “It’s complicated.” I take a seat at the table, and she does the same. “I don’t know a lot about him, and he’s not very forthcoming. But I like being around him, and he looks after me.”

“You said you were pregnant?” she asks.

I nod again. “It sounds crazy, but I really thought I’d had sex with Nate.”

“You’ve had sex with someone though, so who? Could it have been Nyx?”

I shrug. “That’s the hard part. I have no memory.”

“Has the doctor confirmed how far along you are?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t been yet.” Her eyes widen, and I groan. “I know, okay, but I honestly thought Nate would come home and want to be with me. I had the whole baby thing planned out, and then he dropped a bombshell. So now, it’s up in the air, and I don’t know what the hell to do.”

“First of all, you need to confirm this pregnancy, Andi. If you’re five months along now, you need to have a scan to check everything is okay. Do you have a bump?”

I stand and lift my top, and Beth frowns. “I know, it’s really small, right?”

“I think you’ve been putting this off because you’re scared of what they’ll say.”

“I’ll call the hospital tomorrow and book a scan.”

“No, I’ll call in a favour at work and we’ll get you looked at.”

I smile. “Thanks, Beth. Does this mean I’m forgiven?”

She nods, pulling me into a hug. “Let’s go show Rebecca the dress.”

That night as I get into bed, I feel sad. Rebecca loved the dress. She happily accepted it as an apology, and Nate forgave me too. Sue made us tea, and it was like old times. But Nyx isn’t around. I really wanted to tell him about the dress. I thought he’d be over what happened last night.

I wake in the middle of the night and feel around the bed blindly. He’s not here. He didn’t come. I try to squash the feeling of panic when I realise I don’t even have a way to contact him.


Lying on the bed, I lift my jumper just like the sonographer tells me too. Beth sits beside me with an excited grin on her face. We wait in silence while the sonographer moves the camera over my stomach, digging in and making me wince. After a few minutes, she smiles kindly. “I can’t see anything,” she says.

“I did a test,” I say. “It was positive.”

“Are you saying she’s lost the baby?” asks Beth, gripping my hand.

She presses the camera to my abdomen again. “Your womb doesn’t look like it’s even had a sac in there. I don’t think you’ve been pregnant at all.”

She wipes away the jelly and turns off the machine. “Let’s get the nurse to do a pregnancy test for you to be sure. I’ll also get some blood work. Any hormones will show up that way.”

The test comes back negative. It’s negative. I stare hard at the nurse, trying to process what she’s saying. “Let’s run the bloods to make sure.”

After blood tests, I get Beth to take me to the grave yard. “It’s so eerily cold here,” she whispers.

“I just find comfort in being with them.”

Beth stops by the next grave. “And this is where Nyx’s relative is?”