Page 27 of Secret Baby Wolf

"So it's decided, then? We're going?"

"We struck a compromise with the council. Most don't want to dedicate full wolf power to this hunt, because hands are needed everywhere right now. I agreed to some wolves doing a thorough scout of hills and forests was better than nothing. We decided that a handful of volunteers would travel out to the destination you saw in your memories. I'm assuming you know where it was."

"How could I forget?" Beth looked to Ken. That spot haunted her because of what it had forced her to lose. "Of course I'll lead you there."

Ryel rubbed his hands together. "Excellent. Then the six of us will be leaving as soon as we're ready."

"Six?" Ken said, glancing around—Beth also noticed that there were only five people. Ken, Beth, Ryel, Rick, and Finn. The other wolves were council members who didn't seem interested in leaving the comfort of town.

"Oh, they didn't tell you?" A voice giggled from behind. "I'm coming too."

Ken stiffed as soon as he heart her voice, and that put Beth on edge, too. Who the hell was that?

She turned to find a beautiful woman with long red hair and green eyes that were just a shade duller than Ken's. Her hourglass figure was to die for, and the way she sauntered up to Ken ... it made a worm of discontent swirl in Beth's gut. Jealousy that she didn't have a body like that now that she was in her forties, and after being a mother. This woman had to be in her thirties, but she'd aged well.

"Lily," Ken bit out. "Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bringyoualong?"

"Aww, you're so cute when you're mad. Didn't you hear a thing Ryel just said? It'svolunteer-based. I'm here because I want to be."

"Because you want to piss me off and lie through your teeth to your pack members, or because you actually want to help?"

"You have such an inflated ego, cutie. Not everything's about you." She reached out to touch Ken's arms, but he flinched away from her before her hand made contact. "I'm worried about the safety of the town, same as you. That's all."

But the way her eyes lingered on Ken told a different story. Her eyes floated over Ken's muscular arms and torso with a wolf's hungry gaze, then she nibbled her lip when she looked downward, likely imagining something far more intimate.

Beth squeezed Ken's hand. He needed to know she was uncomfortable with this woman, but likely, he knew that already. But he hadn't looked at Beth at all since Lily came into the room; he'd gone into pure defensive mode, as if ready to protect Beth from a deadly threat. It was like he was subconsciously using his body to shield Beth from the temptress in front of them.

What the hell had happened between those two?

The longer Beth went without an explanation, the more worry gnawed at her gut. Had they been lovers when Beth was away?

"She's not coming," Ken growled at Ryel. "Get someone else."

"She's the only other one who was willing to volunteer on short notice," Ryel said, although, to his credit, he did seem apologetic. "The more the better when it comes to goblins."

"I don't care. We'll go without her."

"No. Six is the minimum I'm willing to take into a goblin fight. You haven't fought them in a while, have you? They're not pack animals like us. Theyswarm. They're small and quick over short distances, and a solid dozen or so can overwhelm a wolf if you're not careful."

"Do you really think we would run into that many?" Ken bit out. "Having Lily with us will threaten the search. Her selfish attitude will put us all at risk."

Beth flinched somewhat at his harsh tone. She knew he didn't necessarily believe the goblins were out there, but the way he said it made it sound like hereallywasn't expecting to find anything. That he would rather suffer the inconvenience of being a wolf down than deal with Lily because 'it wasn't like they were going to find many goblins anyway.'

It stung like an arrow to the heart, even though Beth knew Ken didn't mean it that way. She tried not to react. Ken was still working on getting his temper under control, and this Lily had turned him into all fire and wrath.

"There won't be a problem so long as you can keep your cock in your pants, huh?" Lily mocked with twinkling eyes.

Ken growled. "Shut the fuck up, you liar."

"I told you, no unnecessary drama. Deal with your shit. This is the group we're going with. Take it or leave it."

Lily gave him a mock salute. "Yessir. Best behavior."

Finally, Lily looked at Beth. There was a mischievous shimmer in her eyes, a wicked glint in her eyes that didn't bode well for Beth.


Beth explained the location she'd encountered the goblins to the best of her abilities, using the help of maps and Ryel's considerable knowledge of the surrounding area. There was a concerned crinkle in his brow when she specified the location, and she wanted to ask him why, but didn't.