I try to extricate myself from the group, but it’s no good. I’m hemmed in on both sides by the married couple, who are now showing me pictures of their dog.

‘Are you all catching up with Annie?’ he asks. ‘Hopefully, you’ve been able to get more out of her than I have.’

Everyone’s eyes turn to me. ‘There’s no huge mystery about my life,’ I say. ‘But I don’t care to share it with people I scarcely know.’

Alex looks at me, his expression unreadable.

‘Annie’s bought a flat,’ says Lily. ‘It all sounds terribly exciting. I didn’t think anyone could afford a flat in London nowadays.’

‘It’s a studio,’ I say. ‘And it isn’t in central London. You talk as though I’ve bought a mansion in Park Lane.’

‘I hope it comes with free parking,’ says Alex, and I’m annoyed to hear myself laugh.

‘Don’t all flats come with a parking space?’ asks Lily, puzzled.

‘If you park in the wrong place in London, you go directly to jail,’ says Alex.

I ignore him. ‘Your little boy is gorgeous, Lily. And your puppy,’ I add, seeing Tom still scrolling through pictures of their cavoodle tearing up their flowerbeds. ‘I’m so pleased that things are going well for you both.’

I look over at Brandon, wondering whether to signal to him. But I can’t think of a subtle way of indicating that I need rescuing, and I’ve agreed to leave him alone with Stephen.

‘What about the rest of your life?’ says Alex. ‘You’ve told us that you’re enjoying your job, and we’ve heard about your flat. How about your personal life? Are you seeing anyone special?’

I consider telling him to mind his own business. But this is his party, in a manner of speaking, and I have no desire to create an atmosphere or make anyone else feel uncomfortable.

I’m about to brush off the question when Brandon looks over and catches my eye. I have no idea what possesses me. Before I have time to think, I’ve waved to him and blown him a kiss.

‘Is that your boyfriend?’ asks Lily staring over at him. ‘He’s very good looking, isn’t he? Did you meet in London?’

‘No, he lives locally,’ I say. Why didn’t I just say I’m single?

Brandon says something to Stephen and walks over to the group. ‘Hello, darling,’ he says in a faintly mocking tone. ‘Aren’t you going to introduce me?’

I try not to glare at him. ‘This is Lily and Tom, and Maggie and Josh,’ I say curtly. ‘Oh, andAlex,’ I say as an afterthought.

Alexholds out his hand to Brandon. ‘Nice to meet you.’

Brandon put his arm around my shoulders. ‘Lovely to meet you all.’

Lily is eyeing him with frank curiosity. ‘How long have you two known each other?’

All eyes turn towards us. I open my mouth to answer, but Brandon is quicker. ‘Not very long,’ he says easily. ‘But when you know, you know. Am I right?’

He runs his fingers through my hair, brushing a stray wisp off my face. I itch to slap his hand, but there’s nothing I can do right now. I’ll have plenty to say to him later.

Alexis watching us both. ‘Congratulations. If you’ll excuse me, there are some people over there I really must talk to.’

He walks away, and I feel a mixture of relief and disappointment. I ought to feel pleased that Brandon reacted so quickly. Now that he’s staked his claim, so to speak, I’ll be free from any further questions from Alex.

I leave the group and walk to the far side of the hall. The mural is still there, partially hidden by loudspeakers. I peer around a speaker and see Mole’s nose twitching as he inhales the spring air.

A flood of emotion washes over me. I remember that day so vividly. It was the day I first met Alex and tumbled head over heels into love with him. It turned out to be a stupid crush on someone who wasn’t the person I thought he was. But it was still the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced.

I study the scene, completely forgetting my surroundings. If I turned my head towards the window, I’d be surprised to see the snow falling outside.

All I remember is that warm September afternoon and the first scent of autumn in the air. I remember falling into the can of paint and collapsing at Alex's feet. I spent one of the happiest afternoons of my life painting these murals. They’re slightly faded but otherwise exactly the same.

I’d give anything to be able to go back to that afternoon and do things differently. I’d never have agreed to go out with Alex and would have avoided all the pain that followed.