‘How do you know?’ I say. ‘You weren't even at the church. But they really do seem like a very happy couple. It was a lovely ceremony.’

‘Do they have children?’ asks Stephen.

I hope he doesn’t notice the tell-tale flush stealing up my cheeks. ‘A boy and a girl.’

‘Perfect!’ says Brandon. ‘A ready-made page boy and flower girl.’

‘They're a bit old for that,’ I say. ‘Alex is about twenty-five, and Caitlin's a couple of years younger.’

‘That’s a shame,’ he says. ‘Plenty of people seem to have their children at their weddings nowadays. I always assume they’ve put off getting married until the children were old enough to save them some money by doing those jobs for free.’

‘Do you live locally too?’ Stephen asks me.

‘Annie shook the dust of this place off her feet long ago,’ says Brandon. ‘She traded us in for the delights of the big city. But I still live in the area,’ he adds, and I almost laugh at the blatant look he directs towards Stephen.

‘So, what brings you back here?’ says Stephen. ‘Have you come to visit Brandon?’

‘I’m back to see my parents for Christmas,’ I say. ‘Not that it isn’t nice to see Brandon too.’

‘Naturally,’ says Brandon.

‘Don’t let me interrupt you,’ I say. ‘I’ll go and find myself a drink.’

I wander off towards the bar and ask for a Baileys. The afternoon’s champagne has worn off, and I need something to get me through this evening. I won’t stay for long. Mum said she’d pop in and collect me just before midnight and take me next door for the Midnight Mass, but I have no intention of staying at this party until midnight.

I’ll show my face, chat to the few people I remember, and make good my escape, preferably without coming into contact with Alexmore than is strictly necessary. I’ll go back home and go to church with my parents from there. The red dress is beautiful, but not as warm as I expected, and I can make the excuse that I want to change into something warmer first.

I look into the small room off the main hall, where a few people are dancing. A couple I vaguely recognise from drinks parties at my parents are energetically if inexpertly doing the twist.


The voice makes me jump, and I almost spill my drink. Where did he come from? He wasn’t here when I arrived, and I felt a flicker of hope that he wasn’t coming at all. Elaine was distinctly the worse for wear after the reception, and he might conceivably have decided to stay home and keep an eye on her.

The silence lengthens between us. He breaks it at last. ‘How are you, Annie? I wanted to talk to you this afternoon, but you disappeared very quickly. I’m glad you came back tonight.’

I take a hasty swig of my drink before answering. ‘Hello,Alex. I’m fine, thanks.’

He gives me a quizzical look, and I stare back, determined not to be tricked into further speech.

‘How’s life been treating you up in London?’ he says at last. ‘I hear great things of you from Mum and Dad.’

If he wants to prod me into asking what he’s heard about me, he isn’t going to succeed. I’m determined to give him only the barest minimum of information. My life is absolutely none of his business and never has been.

I force myself to speak lightly. ‘Everything’s fine, thank you. I enjoy my work very much. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do.’

‘I know it is, I remember how keen you were on design. I’ve followed your career with interest,’ he adds teasingly.

I’m furious to feel myself blushing. ‘I’m amazed you don’t have anything better to do. Well, it’s been nice to see you, but I’m sure you have plenty of other people you want to catch up with.’

I’m surprised to see what looks like a hurt expression on his face. I don’t allow myself to think about it but wave to Brandon, who’s still talking to Stephen.

‘Coming!’ I call and add to the bartender. ‘Another one of these, please.’

I take the drinks and join Brandon and Stephen, feelingAlex’s eyes boring into my back.

‘What was that all about?’ asks Brandon, taking the glass I hand him. ‘Oh, sweetie, you know I don’t drink these.’

‘Take it!’ I say. ‘And stop staring over my shoulder like that.’