‘This is pointless, Alex. You and I had a week together years ago, and it didn’t work out. It happens all the time, especially at that age. No bones were broken. Let’s leave it at that, ok?’

He nods. ‘If that's how you see it, there's nothing else to say. But for the record, it wasn’t as easy for me as it seemed to be for you.’

I gasp. How dare he? I’ve given him a polite and civilised way out, an adult perspective on the situation. Why did he have to ruin it?

He sees my expression, and his own face snaps in shock. ‘I'm sorry. What did I say?’

‘Nothing,’ I say. ‘I'm a bit tired. I think I'll find Brandon and see if he wants to leave.’

‘This Brandon guy,’ he says. ‘Have you known him for long?’

‘Since I was fifteen,’ I say coolly. ‘He and I hit it off right from the start, and we've been friends ever since. You know how it is when you meet someone who just gets you?’

‘I thought I did,’ he says quietly. He holds out his hand. ‘Friends?’

‘Of course.’ I feel the tears sting the back of my eyes.

He stares at me, and I stare back, not knowing what to say. I want to stand here with him forever. I want to turn on my heel and walk away. More than anything, I want to turn the clock back to that week when I was sure he loved me.

‘Annie?’ he says, taking a step towards me. I don’t move away. ‘Couldn't we …?’

He doesn’t finish his sentence. The hall door bangs open with a crash, making the people standing nearby jump. I turn to look, with a feeling of inevitability. There, standing in the doorway, wearing a microscopic red mini dress, is Suzy.

Chapter Twenty-One

Brandon is the first to break the stunned silence.

‘Nice entrance!’ he says with enthusiasm. ‘Hello, Suzy. Long time, no see.’

She gives him an indifferent look, then her eyes flicker with recognition. ‘Oh. Hi, Brandon. How are you?’

Her eyes fall on me, and her face lights up. ‘Annie – you’re here! I hoped you would be. That’s why I came. How are you, Angel?’ She launches herself at me enthusiastically, kissing my cheek.

‘I’m great, thanks,’ I say, hugging her back. ‘It’s so good to see you. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while. Life’s been …’

‘Oh, I know! Same here!’ She gives a trill of laughter. ‘I mean, obviously not as busy as yours, what with your glamorous, fast-paced life in London and everything.’

I’m taken aback by the tone in her voice. Is it bitterness or amusement? I can’t quite tell. It’s gone in an instant, and I realise I must have imagined it.

‘Hello, Suzy.’ Alex has walked up behind us, and I feel the same stab of pain as when I first heard that he’d picked her over me.

‘I’m leaving,’ I tell Suzy. ‘But I’m home for a few more days. I’d have called you if I’d known you were in the area. You have my number, don’t you? Let’s catch up before I go back to London.’

‘That would be heaven!’ she exclaims, although with less enthusiasm in her tone than I would have expected.

‘You’re leaving, Annie?’ says Alex, his eyes flicking from me to Brandon.

‘Yes,’ I say curtly.

If anything could have strengthened my resolve not to stay, it’s Suzy’s arrival. I have no intention of watching Alex make another play for her right under my nose. I don’t think Suzy is stupid enough to fall for his particular line again, but who knows? They’re both adults, and it’s none of my business what other people do or don’t choose to do. I’m also an adult, and it’s my prerogative not to hang around and watch for a second and, if anything, more humiliating time.

‘Can I speak to you before you go?’ Alex says quietly to me.

‘You are speaking to me!’ I say in what I hope is a jocular tone.

‘I mean alone,’ he persists, and I see a few curious eyes turn towards us.

‘Can you make it quick?’ I say. ‘I’m really tired, and I’d like to get home before it starts snowing in earnest.’