‘They've taken her down to theatre,’ he tells me. ‘The doctor says it could take a while, depending on how complicated the operation is. He suggests that we get something to eat at the cafeteria. It looks as though this could be a long night, and on New Year's Eve of all times! I expect the hospital is extra busy today.’

‘It will probably be worse tomorrow,’ I say. ‘Mum's timing is impeccable, as always.’

We sit in the cafeteria for an hour. I allow him to buy me a sandwich, although I’m not hungry. But it gives him something to do and hopefully keeps his mind off what’s happening to Mum.

‘We're supposed to be going to Elaine and Robert Fielding’s party tonight,’ he says at one point. ‘I know how much your mother was looking forward to it. She's been making her famous asparagus quiche.’

‘I know,’ I say. ‘I've been to the supermarket twice today.’

‘You should go to the party,’ he says. ‘I'll stay at the hospital tonight, but it's your last night here. You'll want to say goodbye to everyone.’

‘It isn't important. I'd rather be here with Mum.’

‘That's my job,’ he says. ‘You've more than done your part today. Your mother would hate to think she'd spoiled your last night at home.’

‘It may not be my last night. I'm not going to Paris until I know she's ok.’

‘You can get that out of your head at once,’ he says. ‘Even if I agreed with you, which I don't, your mother would never allow it.’

We haven’t heard anything by nine o’clock. Dad paces up and down the corridor, his face tight.

‘I'm sure they’ve almost finished,’ I reassure him.

He seems to remember where he is. ‘Of course, they have. You’re not to worry, Annie.’

It’s odd to think that our positions are so entirely reversed. When I was a child, it was his job to comfort me. Now he needs me to offer support.

A nurse appears a few minutes later and smiles when he sees us. Dad lets out a gasp of relief. His eyes ask a question.

The nurse nods. ‘Everything went very well. She’s in the recovery room right now. They'll be bringing her up to the ward in about half an hour. Why don’t you go and wait for her there?’

‘I told you it would be alright,’ I say in a choked voice.

Dad wipes his eyes. ‘I never doubted it for a second. It’s a perfectly simple operation. There’s no need for you to stay. You get off to the party now. You can give them all an update.’

I shake my head. ‘I want to see Mum before I go. I’ll pop out and send a couple of texts, and then I’ll be back.’

It’s still icy cold outside, but I hardly notice it in my relief. It’s a shame that Mum will have to be in bed for a while. She’ll absolutely hate it. But it could have been so much worse.

I pull out my phone to text Alex and see to my surprise that I have several texts from Suzy. Maybe Alex has mentioned Mum’s accident to her, and she wants to know how Mum is getting on.

I open the first text and freeze. It’s a selfie of Alex and Suzy. She’s snuggled up very close to him, her head on his shoulder. She’s captioned it,Guess what?!!!

I open the next text. I can almost hear Suzy’s voice as I read it.You'll never guess who I’ve been making out with! Remember Alex – the guy who stood us up at the pub?The party tonight is at his parents’ house. Anyway, we got chatting, and one thing led to another … you know how it is. He’s a really good kisser!

I open the third text. Suzy has sent a shocked emoji.I forgot to tell you – he has a tattoo! You know I’m a complete sucker for tattoos. It's a dolphin on his lower back. Well, a bit lower than that! Don’t ask me how I know:-) You should hurry up. This is a great party. Lots of gorgeous men here. S x

I lean back against the wall, trying to get my thoughts in order. This is ridiculous. Suzy must have got him confused with someone else. But that doesn’t seem possible. How many people have stood us up at the pub?

I try to get my breathing under control. There’s a simple explanation for this. There must be. I start to write a text to Alex, then stop. What if it’s true? It can’t be – but what if it is? I won’t be able to bear it.

What do I really know about him? I’ve had two dates with him and built everything up in my mind into something far more than it is.

A thought strikes me. Suzy always posts party photos on Facebook. Possibly, she’s done that tonight.

I open my page and look at my feed. As I thought, Suzy has been active tonight. I run my eyes down the string of pictures. They’re almost all selfies, and they almost all include Suzy and Alex sitting very close together. There’s one of her ruffling his hair and him laughing. The last one is of her kissing his cheek and doing a thumbs up gesture. She’s captioned this one.Hot hot hot!!!

I feel as though someone has wrapped their hands around my heart and is squeezing hard. I’m too shocked even for tears. Suzy and Alex? It isn’t possible. But it’s also entirely possible. Even if he’s been drinking, there’s no excuse for him making out with Suzy. But then, most men don’t need an excuse to make out with Suzy. They’re just grateful she’s noticed them.