Page 58 of Chasing Hadley

“You’re crazy.”

“I’mcrazy?” I work to calm my laughter. “You’re the one who started a licking war. Who does that?”

He shrugs. “You tell me. And if it was a licking war, I won.”

I roll my eyes. “Nope. I definitely did.”

He grins. “Nah, I’m definitely the winner.” Then he dips his lips and licks me again.

No. Scratch that. He’s sucking on my neck.

I think about pushing him off, but instead my eyelids lower. It feels good the way his lips feel on my neck, the way his tongue ring brushes against my flesh, the way his hands are his waist and how his body is lined with mine…

Wait, I think I might feel…

Oh my God, I can feel how turned on he is as he sucks on the side of my neck, his body pressing against mine. I feel out of my element, but I’ll admit, I’m curious. Curious enough that I forget about a lot of important things that have happened between us and instead of moving away, I lean closer, grabbing onto his sides and chasing him to moan—

“I’d say I’m surprised, but I’m not.” Alex’s exhausted voice drifts from across the living room.

And cue the shattering of sexual tension and slight embarrassment on my part. Not that I’m going to show it.

Blaise tenses then climbs off me, offering his hand to help me up. When I stand up without his help, he frowns, and but I look away, trying to avoid his gaze while collecting myself.

I feel restless inside, like I’m not sure what to make of what just happened. I mean, I let him suck on my neck for god sakes! I shouldn’t have done that.


Sighing, Blaise turns to Alex, who’s leaning against the doorway, his eyelids half open, his skin pale.

“You finally decided to wake up, huh?” The playfulness in Blaise’s demeanor is nonexistent as he stares at his brother.

Alex shrugs, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hands. “Only because you two were being so damn loud. Seriously, I thought I was going to walk out here and find you fucking each other or something,”

“Knock it off,” Blaise snaps and I swear I detect the slightest bit of pink creeping onto his cheeks. “I’ve been here for over an hour trying to wake your ass up. I was one step away from carrying you out to the car.”

Alex yawns, blinking his bloodshot eyes. “Why are you even here? I thought I messaged you not to come?” His gaze strays to me and narrows. “And why the hell isshehere?” He smirks maliciously. “Nice hickey by the way.”

“Fuck off.” I snap right back at him, causing his lips to twitch in irritation.

“She was helping me this morning when Dad texted Rhyland to come get you.” Blaise flexes his hands, struggling to keep his cool. “And you can try to text me all you want and tell me not to come get you, but I’m going to every time. You should know that by now.”

“Only because you love being a pain in my ass.” Alex clumsily strides toward him. “I don’t get why you think you have any control over me. I’m almost eighteen; I can take care of myself.”

“Yeah, obviously.” Blaise’s tone oozes sarcasm as he burns Alex with a look.

Alex slams his hands against Blaise’s chest. “Fuck you, man. You don’t know anything about me.”

Blaise stumbles, the muscles in his jaw pulsating. “I know you’re an addict.”

“Fuck you,” Alex seethes, getting in Blaise’s face. “I can quit anytime I want. I just don’t want to.”

“You’re so full of shit,” Blaise says. “And I think deep down you know that.”

“I’m not an addict,” Alex’s declares, his face reddening as his fingers curl into fists. “I choose to get high.”

“If that’s the case, then why?” Blaise’s tone marginally softens. “Why are you choosing to slowly kill yourself?”

His words make my heart hurt because I feel them all the way to my soul.