Page 49 of Chasing Hadley

“Hmmm … Interesting.”

“No, not really.”

He assesses me closely. “Actually, it sort of is.”

I refuse to squirm under his unwavering gaze. “And why’s that?”

He shrugs, refocusing on the road. “Because, if you’re undecided about me being in another one of your classes, it means you’re undecided about me.”

“And that’s a good thing because …?”

He shrugs, but frowns. “I don’t know.”

“Okay …” God, this is the most evasive conversation ever.

We grow silent again as Blaise stares at the road, drumming his fingers on top of the steering wheel. Since it clearly seems like he doesn’t want to talk or give me any sort of confirmation about how long we’re going to be or what we’re even doing, I dig out my phone and send Londyn a text.

Me: Hey, so I’m gonna need you to drive everyone to school today.

Londyn: What!? Why?

Me: Because my first favor is going to probably take too long for me to get back in time.

Londyn: That’s so not cool. You need to make sure Blaise understands that you can’t be late for school.

Me: Yeah, I’ll try.

Londyn: Don’t try. Do.

Me: All right, boss.

Londyn: Sorry. I’m not trying to be bossy, but we can’t let these guys walk all over us.

Me: Hey! Think about who you’re talking to. You know there’s no way I’ll let that happen. Blaise just didn’t inform me until we were way across town that this favor is going to take a while. But I made it clear being late for school is so not cool with me.

Londyn: Good. You may be in some stupid, twisted bet with him, but that doesn’t mean he gets to mess up school for you. And what are you even doing for him?

Me: Not sure yet, but I think it has something to do with Alex.

Londyn: You need to be careful then. He’s the worst. I know he’s the one who put those flyers up.

Me: Yeah, me, too.

I want to tell her about the conversation I overheard last night between Alex and Blaise, but I don’t want to think about it myself.

We text for a bit longer until she finally agrees to drive everyone, and by the time I pocket my phone, Blaise is driving past the last of the houses lining the main road and steering out onto the highway.

“We’re really far out here,” I comment, glancing at the trees and desolate farmland bordering the road.

Shit, should I be worried? I mean, I’m a girl in a car alone with a guy who has a questionable police record. Sure, I know some self-defense, but that doesn’t mean I want to put myself in a situation where I’d have to try to use my skills.

“I’m sorry. This is probably really weird.” Blaise slows down and flips on the blinker. “I promise nothing bad’s going to happen. Or, well, at least not to you. Alex, on the other hand, is about to get into some deep shit.” He turns down a dirt road that winds into the hills.

“Why?” I ask, gripping the handle above me as the road becomes bumpy. “What’d he do?”

He grips the wheel tighter as we hit another bump. “Nothing he hasn’t done before, which is why I’m so pissed off. He never fucking learns his lessons.” He blows out a deafening breath, his gaze sliding to mine. “Look, for my first favor, can you just not tell anyone what you’re about to witness?”

My nerves rise a notch. “Um, yeah … just as long as it’s not like a hardcore crime where someone’s hurting someone, then yeah, I can do that.”