Page 28 of Chasing Hadley



I’m a prideful person,have been for as long as I can remember. That pride can sometimes get me in trouble, like this whole ordeal with the Porterson brothers.

Maybe I should’ve just ignored Blaise’sbabyandsweetheartcomments. That might have been easier. But ignoring isn’t always necessarily the right thing to do, easier or not. And I’m sick of guys talking to me like I’m a ditzy girl who should just get all swoony because they glance my way or pay me a bit of attention when I don’t even want it.

By the time I make it to first period English, I’m fuming mad. I haven’t seen the Porterson brothers, but they have to be here, right? How else could those flyers have been put up?

“Screw the Porterson brothers,” I mutter as I slump lower in my desk, waiting for the bell to ring while doing my best to ignore the gawks and whispers floating around me.

“Do you mean that literally?” Blaise’s amused tone makes every single one of my muscles wind into knots. “Because, while that sounds interesting in theory, I’m not sure you can handle all four of us. Or even one of us.”

I restlessly drum my fingers on top of my legs as I sense him take a seat in the desk behind mine. So many comebacks burn at the tip of my tongue, but I simmer them out, reigning back on my temper before turning around.

“Was it you?” I ask in an even tone.

He cocks his head to the side. “Was what me?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Don’t play dumb with me.”

He slants forward, crossing his arms on his desk, his eyes swirling with a look that makes the air get caught in my lungs. “Then don’t play dumb with me, sweetheart.”

“Stop calling me sweetheart,” I hiss. “And I’m not playing dumb.”

“Yes, you were, by asking me if I did it instead of just accusing.”

“Is that your way of confessing you put those flyers up all over the school?”

He works his jaw from side to side. “Confessing would mean I care. I don’t.”

My fingers fold inward. “I warned you to stay away from my sisters.”

The corners of his lips kick up into a cold grin. “You really need to stop threatening me, sweetheart.”

“And you need to stay away from me and my sisters.” I lean in, my voice like ice. “And stop calling me sweetheart.”

He rubs his lips together. “You know, most girls would love my attention.”

I roll my eyes. “I highly doubt that.”

He cocks a brow. “Don’t believe me? Take a look around you.”

I discreetly peer around and notice a few of the female population smiling at Blaise. And some dudes. “They’re probably just staring in shock.”

“About what?” His lips span into a grin. “My shocking good looks?”

“No, that someone so conceited actually exists.”

He rolls his tongue in his mouth while restlessly tapping his pen against his desk. “You know, you’ve got quite a mouth on you,sweetheart.”

“And you’ve got quite a misconstrued self-perception,small dick.”

He nearly drops his pen. “Did you just call mesmall dick?”

“Yep, it’s my new nickname for you. And I’m going to use it every time you call me anything else besides my name.”

Blaise studies me with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. “I think—”