Page 25 of Chasing Hadley

Once my alarm goes off, I get up, take a shower, then pull on my favorite pair of black jeans, a black tank top, and top the look off with a plaid overshirt, a velvet choker, and a pair of thick boots. I leave my hair down in wild waves swept to the side, and then I trace my eyes with kohl eyeliner.

Usually, I’m a bit more nervous about starting a new school, but since it’s the beginning of a new school year, it’s not quite as stressful. Plus, it’s the start of my senior year. The start of my very last year of high school. Then I get to go off to college.

I fist-pump the air before turning to walk out of my room, running into Londyn in the hallway. I follow her downstairs where Bailey and Payton are munching on granola bars and waiting for us.

I hurriedly grab a couple of granola bars for myself then usher everyone out the door, knowing we have a long walk ahead of us.

“Do we really have to walk?” Bailey gripes as I lock the door.

I nod, stuffing the keys into my pocket. “Sorry, but until we can come up with some cash for new tires, we’re going to be trekking around on foot for a—what the hell!” I sputter as I catch sight of my car.

Bailey’s brows furrow then a smile spreads across her face as she tracks my gaze. “Your tires are fixed!” She does a little happy dance. “Hell yeah! No walking to school.”

I look at Londyn. “Did you do this?”

She shakes her head. “I wish I did, but I’m as broke as you are.”

I give Payton a suspicious glance. “Did you by chance find a way to steal four new tires?”

“No, but I did think about it.” She drums her finger against her lips. “Maybe Dad did it?”

Silence stretches between us, then we bust up laughing.

“Yeah, right.” I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes. “And then, after that, he prepaid all our bills, so we never have to worry about getting evicted again.”

“God, wouldn’t that be nice?” Londyn says as we open the doors to get into my car.

“Definitely …” I pause, noticing a small card balanced on the dashboard.

I grab the card and open it.


Sorry about what my brother did to your tires. I know this doesn’t make up for him, but I’m hoping it’s a start.


Your neighbor

I rub the back of my hand across my forehead as I slowly drop into the driver’s seat.

“Who’s that from?” Londyn asks as she shuts the door.

I hand her the note then slip the keys into the ignition and start up the engine.

She reads over the note, and then a silly grin touches her lips. “Well, that was sort of nice, I guess. But which one of them do you think did it?”

“My guess is Rhyland. He seems the nicest. Definitely not Blaise.” I clutch the steering wheel, unsure what to make of the card. “I don’t know about this … I mean, I’m glad we have tires now, but I feel like maybe there’s more to it than him just putting new tires on my car.”

Londyn sets the card down on the console then reaches to put her seatbelt on. “You think he has an ulterior motive?”

I shift the car into reverse. “Maybe.”

Londyn nods. “After what Hunter told me, I wouldn’t trust any of them.”

“Who’s Hunter?” Bailey, Payton, and I ask simultaneously.

“The cashier at the gas station.” Her cheeks redden a bit.