Page 200 of Chasing Hadley

“I’m sorry you’re in this mess,” I say, fiddling with the keychain that’s dangling from the ignition.

I haven’t told him about my concern over the job, not wanting him to be stressed out when we break into the boat. He needs to have a clear head. I do too.

Get your shit together, man. You need to be thinking about only one thing when you step foot onto that boat.

He gives me a confused look. “Why’re you apologizing? It’s not your fault we’re in this mess.”

“Maybe. Maybe not.” I slump back in the seat. “If I’d kept a better eye on Alex, maybe he wouldn’t have screwed over dad.”

He picks up a bottle of water and twists off the cap. “Alex is old enough to start taking responsibility for his actions. None of this is your fault.”

“Yes, it is. I’m the one responsible for him so what he does falls on me. I just wish you didn’t have to be here with me. I should’ve convinced dad to let me do this…”

My phone rings and Rhyland and I both tense.

Figuring it’s my dad, I pick up my phone from in the cup holder, only to see Alex’s name flash across the screen.

“Speaking of the devil,” Rhyland mutters as he glances at the screen.

I'm unsure if Alex is aware of what's going on—if my dad informed him that he's blackmailing Rhyland and me in exchange for his safety—so I don't answer. Plus, when it comes to Alex, the less he knows the better since his way of handling complicated stuff usually means shooting something into his veins or snorting something up his nose.

But he calls me right back.

Sighing, I answer the phone. “What’s up?”

"Where are you right now?" He sounds a bit worried and entirely unlike him.

“I’m in the car with Rhyland,” I reply vaguely. “Why?”

“Are you doing that job dad’s making you do?” he asks.

“What does he want?” Rhyland whispers then takes a swig of water.

I’m not sure, I mouth then say to Alex, "So he told you about it, huh? I thought maybe he didn't because you never said anything, but I guess you just don't care that we're cleaning up another one of your messes." I'm being harsh, and while I feel a bit bad, Alex has gotten into trouble too many times, and I'm reaching my breaking point.

Not that I’d ever give up on him. I just don’t think I can coddle him as much as I used to. At least that’s what I tell myself, but I’m having a hard time breaking the habit.

“Hey, I didn’t do shit,” Alex protests. “Hadley’s dad got me into this mess by telling dad I stole from him and that I tried to make a deal with Axel. But I didn’t. I may make some dumbass decisions, but I’m not that stupid.”

Alex has been irritated with Hadley’s dad for taking his job, so who knows if he’s telling the truth or not.

"Whatever. I don't have time to argue about this." I rest my hand on the steering wheel. "We're about to do the job, so I need to go." I start to move my phone away from my ear, planning to hang up on him.

“You might want to hear why I called before you hang up on me,” he calls out. “It’s about Hadley and some trouble she’s gotten into.”

Tensing, I return the phone to my ear. “What did you do to her?”

“I didn’t do shit other than help her find her sister.”

Wariness creeps up in me. “Why the heck would you help her?”

“Well, she came over to the house looking for your help, but since you weren’t there, I told her if she punched me in the face and it hurt then I would help her.” He gives a pause. “The girl’s got a wicked right hook.”

“I’m sure she does.” I scrub my hand across my face, trying to process what he’s saying. Alex rarely does anything unless it’s for selfish reasons, so I’m confused why he helped her. “I’m glad you helped her and everything, but why was Hadley even looking for her sister?”

" ‘Cause she took off when she wasn't supposed to.” He pauses again, and I hear sirens in the background.

What the shit? Where is he?