Page 196 of Chasing Hadley

“Yeah, but I could see the question written all over your face, so I thought I’d answer it for you.” He rests his head against the wall and closes his eyes like he’s tired.

I remember how, when I went over to his house earlier, he appeared strung out. I wonder if he is.

“So, what’d the cop want to talk to you about?” he mumbles.

I lean back in the chair. “She asked me a couple of questions about how I got guardianship of my sisters then walked off but told me she’d be back.”

“I haven’t seen her before. She must be new.”

“You know all the cops, huh?’ I joke.

His lips quirk. “Yeah, we’re all BFFs. Lucky for you or we’d probably be in more trouble right now.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s crazy how uneasy she was around you just because of who you are.”

“Welcome to the world of corrupt power, tough girl. While it mostly sucks, there are some benefits.”

I don’t want to agree with him, but I know we would’ve been in a lot more trouble if Alex wasn’t a Porterson.

“I wish I had that benefit,” I say. “Because I have a feeling she’s looking into how I got guardianship of my sisters.”

His eyelids lift open and he glances at me. “How did you, anyway? Because Blaise basically had to blackmail my father to get guardianship of us.”

“I honestly don’t know,” I admit. “Early this morning, my sisters just showed up at the house and said some woman dropped them off and gave them these papers that gave me guardianship of them. They were signed by my mom, and there was a note in there from her, but …” I trail off, not wanting to talk to him about my mom.

He stares at me for a few beats before saying, “I know what happened to your mom. I saw it when I was digging up information about you guys to put on those flyers.”

I bob my head up and down, unsure of what to say. I’m a bit angry hearing him finally admit he put those flyers around school, even if I’ve known for a while that he did. But he also helped me out a lot tonight …

Conflicted. I feel very conflicted at the moment.

“Look, sometimes I do things that are really fucked up. And usually, I don’t give a shit. But … ” He wavers. “I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you guys. I get that now … That you probably dislike your father just as much as I do. And you already have enough shit to deal with, so … I’m sorry.” He sits up and sticks his fist out for a fist bump. “Wanna try to be friends? I mean, we don’t need to be besties, but maybe we don’t need to hate each other so much.”

I eyeball his fist warily. I could hold a grudge. It might be easier than trying to be friends with Alex Porterson. But considering how this town works, I may need all the friends I can get.

I bump my fist against his. “All right, let’s try to be friends.”

He starts to smile, and so do I, when the monitor suddenly lets out this long beat.

My head whips in the direction of the monitor and a wave of panic unleashes inside me.

“Her heart … It’s not …” I jump to my feet, my entire body trembling as I rush over to Payton.

“Shit.” Alex rushes out from the curtain and starts shouting that we need help.

Me, I go still.

I die inside.

Right along with my sister.



Everything seemsto move in slow motion, as if time is slipping away from me.

Nurses run in.