Page 166 of Chasing Hadley

As the car pulls off to the side of the road in front of us, Blaise shoves the shifter into park then reaches for the door handle.

“What the hell are you doing, man?” Rhyland asks as Blaise pushes the door open.

“I’m going to go kick the driver of that car’s ass,” Blaise growls, moving to get out, but Rhyland reaches forward and grabs Blaise’s arm.

“More than likely, that’s one of dad’s lackeys, and if you go pick a fight with him”—he shakes his head—“it’s not going to be pretty.”

Blaise grits his teeth, glancing from Rhyland to the car in front of us. Then, he slowly moves back into the driver’s seat.

I release a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“Why do you think they did that …?” I start to ask but then trail off as the back door to the car swings open.

My jaw nearly hits the ground when Austin climbs out of the car, a smile rising on his lips as he strolls up to the passenger side and raps his knuckles against the window.

“I’m going to kick his ass,” Blaise mumbles, moving to get out of the car again.

I place a hand on his arm and shake my head. “Don’t.”

He gapes at me. “Why not? He just about made us wreck.”

“I know, but …” I think about how Austin may know where the bags are. “Let me hear what he has to say, okay? In case it’s about the bags.”

Blaise rubs his lips together then shakes his head. “Fine.”

Rhyland makes a whipping sound, and Blaise blasts him with a dirty look, but Rhyland only grins.

Mentally rolling my eyes, I roll down the window. “May I help you?” I ask with indifference.

His lips quirk into an amused grin. “Actually, I’m here to help you.”

“Help her how? By making her almost get into a car accident?” Blaise glares at him.

Austin rolls his eyes. “Don’t be overdramatic, Blaise.”

Blaise’s glare deepens. “I’m not being overdramatic. You seriously about made us wreck, and it was completely unnecessary.”

“But completely amusing,” Austin quips.

Blaise clenches his hands into fists, but before he can say anything, I interrupt, wanting to know why the hell Austin is here.

“Did you find the bags?” I ask, telling my heart to settle down, that it’s pointless to get excited just yet.

His smile grows as he rests his arms on the windowsill. “I did.”

I still don’t let myself get too excited. After all, this is Austin we’re talking about.

“Okay. So, where are they?” I ask as calmly as I can.

With a devious glint in his eyes, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded-up piece of paper. “I talked to the surveillance guy and, with a bit of bribery, I managed to get the locations of all six bags. And FYI, one of them is located in your backyard.”

Relief starts to trickle through me as I reach out to take the slip of paper from him, but the feeling is quickly stifled when he moves the paper out of my reach.

“That’s the only location I’m giving you until we make a deal. Once we do, you can have this paper.”

“No fucking way,” Blaise and Rhyland say simultaneously.

I ignore them. “How do I know that the addresses on that paper are really where the bags are hidden?” I ask.